I have a few stickers around somewhere. If I can find them we'll have a good ol' fashioned knife fight. All-comers are welcome to battle to the death, winner takes all.
Try it now.I've been waiting for 4 years for stickers to show up in the mail??![]()
cool bike![]()
i've put the only one i could find ( i know for shure i had more of them...) to use...![]()
I've been riding L's thumper lately. it has no stickers though.Each one of my bikes has at least one RM sticker on it
I've been waiting for 4 years for stickers to show up in the mail??![]()
Those were your's? sorry, but they were delicious!I have been waiting about that long for my Hostess Bacon Chips to arrive.
Once a year I wear my RM DH Jersey. Which I got for free for being so cool.Those were your's? sorry, but they were delicious!
Still not cool enough for access to the courtesy phone though. Yeah, me neither.Once a year I wear my RM DH Jersey. Which I got for free for being so cool.
I think I have one or two extras. PM me your address and it/they is/are yours.I would put one on my new whip. I just need to find the stash i have...after 3 moves this is unlikely though. :/
I think I have one.....I can search tonight when I am home if you don't get one before then.Can anyone provide a logo image? I'm gonna order a shirt.
Done. Just zoom in.Can anyone provide a logo image? I'm gonna order a shirt.
I've used Teespring a bunch for Baja shirts... kinda wondering if enough monkeys would buy a shirt if it'd be worth the 15 minute investment on my part to set something up. Teespring is cool because everyone can order exactly what they want, it's printed on demand to order, and then drop shipped to each person.Sure man, might place a cafepress order tonight so I might order myself a T shirt and re-hash the whole T shirt order thing later.
Can you import an SVG or EPS file? I’ll send you that if you want.I was messing around in OpenSCAD avoiding talking to people last weekend and scripted a monkey logo. Not perfect but with a larger logo should be easy to fine tune the parameters to get it exact. Can be scaled, output in various 3 or 2-D formats
View attachment 168352
resolution = 100;
$fn = resolution;
//Main Circle
module Monkey()
module Base()
//Main Circle
translate ([0, 0, 0])
cylinder (r=FaceRadius, h=Height );
//Ear 1
translate ([80, -70, 0])
cylinder (r=EarRadius, h=Height );
//Ear 2
translate ([-80, -70, 0])
cylinder (r=EarRadius, h=Height );
difference() {
translate ([0, -0, Height-HDelta])
cylinder (r=FaceRadius-RidgeT, h=Height );
translate ([-80, -70, Height-HDelta])
cylinder (r=EarRadius-RidgeT, h=Height );
translate ([80, -70, Height-HDelta])
cylinder (r=EarRadius-RidgeT, h=Height );
//Mouth Main
translate ([0, 65, 0])
difference() {
cylinder (r=MouthR, h=Height );
translate ([0, 0, 5])
cylinder (r=MouthR-RidgeT, h=Height );
translate ([19, 58,0])
cylinder (r=Nostril, h=Height);
translate ([-19, 58,0])
cylinder (r=Nostril, h=Height);
module Triangle()
points=[[0,0,0], [EyeR+20,20,0], [20,EyeR+20,0], [0,0,Height], [EyeR+20,20,Height], [20,EyeR+20,Height]],
faces=[ [3,0,1,4], [2,5,4,1], [3,5,2,0], [3,4,5], [2,1,0]]);
module Eye()
difference() {
cylinder (r=EyeR, h=Height-1);
//cube ( 50);
module Lobes()
{translate ([-80, -70, 0])
difference() {
cylinder (r=EarRadius-RidgeT-5, h=Height );
translate ([5,5,0])
cylinder (r=EarRadius-RidgeT-4, h=Height );
translate ([43, -23,0])
translate ([-43, -23,0])
mirror ([1,0,0]) Lobes();
negativeCan you import an SVG or EPS file? I’ll send you that if you want.