
Ridemonkey Secret Santa for 2021!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Welcome, Monkeys, to the Ridemonkey Secret Santa 2021: Coronavirus Is Forever edition. Please read the entire post, as some things have changed.

Hello, monkey friends, it's that time of year again. The temperature dips, and we all start thinking about the holiday season. Gatherings with family and friends, drinking mulled cider, and wondering how we're going to tell Aunt Edna that she's not allowed to visit because she's attending orgies with the anti-vaxxers every weekend and thinks snorting Ivermectin off the bathroom toilets will save her.


Given the continued flakiness with the US Postal Service, I am continuing last year's tradition where packages must be postmarked (not delivered) by Christmas Eve. As usual, monkeys in the US and Canada will be eligible to exchange packages. If we receive at least 3 entries from our cheese-eating Europeans, the EURMSS will proceed.

Interested but don't know what to expect? Check out past threads to see discussion and photos of the gifts!

Secret Santa: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

Rules and Requirements:
  • You must be a Ridemonkey member in the US, Canada or the EU, registered on or before January 1st, 2021.
  • The guideline for spend is typically around $35. Some people do more, that's fine, but this isn't intended to be a cheap crap exchange.
  • Pairing is randomized, and you will not be buying for the person who is buying for you.
  • External packaging must be work safe. Internal packaging is up to you.
  • Tracking numbers must be sent to rmsecretsanta@gmail.com
  • Failure to send a gift will result in a permanent ban
Safety Requirements:
  • If you are feeling ill, or have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, do not pack or handle the presents. If this delays your package, contact me immediately. We will work something out.
  • People receiving gifts are encouraged to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after opening their gifts.

How To Enter:

In my continued attempts to automate this exchange as much as possible (and reduce pairing errors, like we had last year - sorry about that), I have created a form to fill out this year. Please fill the form out completely; information will be stored safely and will not go to anyone except me. If you have questions about your Elf or Santa, you can still email the standard rmsecretsanta@gmail.com address.

FILL OUT THE FORM HERE: https://forms.gle/hW9y946Coew79uJw5

  • November 26th: All entrants must have filled out the above form by midnight on November 26th.
  • November 29th: All entrants will receive their pairing information
  • December 24th: All packages must be postmarked by midnight on December 24th.

Happy holidays!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Plz PM me your planned gifts so I can add to my script

if ($rmSantaName == $bestGiftGiver ) { $rmElfName == 'binary visions' }


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2015
I mean, if the Euro monkeys can ship to you for a reasonable cost I'm totally willing to extend this to anywhere, but f**k is it expensive to ship to NZ.

I'll include you if all you want is a gift card :D
I'll check.

Also, @Loki87 wanna join the fun?

Update: 2 kg / ~ 4.4 lbs in 10-20 days is 20 € excl. and 27 € incl. tracking.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I was still working on my automation, but I figured I had done enough debugging and testing and just let it fly. I believe everyone should have their pairings, and I created a history file that dates back to 2014 for the selection algorithm, so nobody should have anyone they've had in the last 6 years.

If anyone sees anything wrong with their pairings, please let me know immediately by either replying to the email or sending me a PM.

Happy shopping!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Could a few people post up to confirm that they got a pairing that they either have never had before, or haven't had in several years?

The history filter I scripted in seemed to work but there's only so many ways you can test this many potential pairings, and I didn't want to spoil surprises by hand-checking the final results.