
Rider Down


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
My dad, Jack Sr., an avid roadie in the Triad area, recently took a pretty big hit while on a training ride in Greensboro. He fractured his L-4 vertebrae and got a concussion. Over the past few days his speech and motor skills rapidly degenerated. We rushed him to the ER yesterday where he was admitted to the ICU Neurology department for bleeding on the brain. Tonight they will operate to relieve the pressure. Hopefully He will recover just fine.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you- Jack Jennings
Jackson - we are all praying for your Dad to have a speedy recovery. Thankfully he is in good physical condition and that will only help. I feel very confident that your Surgeon is one of the best in the region after talking to you on the phone tonight. Keep me updated after his surgery is finished. Don't worry, snowshoe will still be there for us when your dad is 100% and back to his old habits.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I just got back from the hospital and everything went well. The operation only took about an hour. He will probably have to stay there for a week or until he can get around on his own. My mom is relieved big time. As far as riding goes, he will be off the bike for six months to a year. Not something any core rider wants to hear, but a small price to pay to be alive and healthy.

His doctor and nurses were very impressed with both his fitness and toughness. One nurse said that he tried to remove the bandage while in recovery. When asked what his pain level was ( after having brain surgery ) on a scale of 1-10, he replied "2".

Thank ya'll so much for the positive thoughts and prayers.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
The old man is doing great! He's back to normal as far as his speech and motor skills are concerned. He's got a good grip with the right hand again. It was so nice to hear him complain about the hospital food. I've got to fire up the grill to make the man some proper food.

The sub-dural hematoma pushed his brain over a bit. That's what caused him to temporarily loose the use of his right arm and leg and degrade his speech. I was really freaked out that my dad was going to end up a vegetable. Head injuries are no joke!

I checked out his helmet that he had on during the crash. It had two dents and three cracks. Apparently he was knocked out for a bit because he had to be helped up. He didn't realize that he had hit his head. He would not have lived if he wasn't wearing a helmet. Riding without a helmet is completely foolish. I see so many riders both on the road and off road not wearing a helmet and it just baffles me. Pride and vanity are a dangerous combination.


O.K. enough preaching. We are grateful to have Big Jack back.

Thanks for everone's support.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
thats excellent news man, and it is deffinatly a good thing that he had his helmet on. i guess there is one more argument now to why you should wear a helmet. ohh and of course more healing vibes and prayes sent his way so that he can get back on the bike.:banana: