
Rider Down


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
So, as if having more needles stuck in me than Courtney Love (for Rabies) this week wasn't enough, there has been some more drama in AngryLand. My dad went down unfvcking believably hard on his Sunday group road ride. First let me say, for those of you unaware, my dad is 75 years old, has severely impaired vision, and is a hardcore roadie. He weight trains, does yoga, eats healthy, doesn't drink or smoke all in the name of being stronger and still being able to "hang with the A group". Nothing, and I mean nothing, deters him from riding.

About 3 min. after getting the call that he had crashed, I hauled ass to his location to find EMTs on site and a large group of his fellow cyclists lending a hand. While I was checking him out in the back of the bus one of his friends put dad's mangled bike in the back of my car. The front wheel exploded and his carbon bar was broken completely in half. Won't know the full extent until I put the bike on the stand.

When I got to the hospital, one EMT informed me that the clot above his eye had moved and to not be alarmed at all the blood. I, like many others on here, am no stranger to gnarly wounds, ambulances, or emergency rooms. But goddamn there was a lot of blood. Puddles of it no less. My mom started to lose it and I had to quickly take her to the waiting room.

The Dr., same on that shot me up with the rabies vaccination a few days ago, treated my dad. The cut above his eye took 16+ stitches. He told me that dad will need to see a plastic surgeon on Monday because there was tissue deficit under his eye. Meaning some of his eyelid and surrounding area could not be sewn up because it's missing. He might need to have a skin graft. He also has a multitude of scrapes and cuts from road rash on his arms, hands and legs.

The nurse gave me a bunch of bandages to change his dressings. But I find myself a little freaked out at this proposition. Theres is just something really unsettling about seeing what's underneath the lower eye bandage. My dad looks like a gang of Mike Tyson clones used him as a punching bag. Don't get me wrong, I'm not grossed out, more terrified for some reason.

All of this went down around 2:00 pm and I'm staying up all night to make sure he doesn't sleep for more than two hours at a time and to give him his antibiotic every six hours. I try to lay down on the living room floor to sleep for a bit but I can't. I'm really worried about his eye. At 8:30 I have to call the plastic surgeon to schedule surgery for Monday afternoon.

So If anyone is up, I could use a little company and some healing vibes for my dad.

Thanx Monkeys.

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Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
First of all, sounds like you have an awesome dad. And while i understand your worries, the tissue deficit should not be too problematic for the plastic surgeon to deal with, and you can be thankful that the eye itself wasn't seriously affected.

Sometimes things work out way better than one has any right to expect:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
wound care: most of the time it looks a lot worse than it is. I was in a wreck that split my face open from mid forehead around the eye orbit ,around my mouth and onto my neck. i looked like Frankenstein when they got done with all the sutures. the Plastic Surgeon did a great job and there is only a small line and lift above my right eye. Your dad was alert and went home, I was in a coma for a bit so I think you got damn lucky. good luck on the reconstruction.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
wound care: most of the time it looks a lot worse than it is. I was in a wreck that split my face open from mid forehead around the eye orbit ,around my mouth and onto my neck. i looked like Frankenstein when they got done with all the sutures. the Plastic Surgeon did a great job and there is only a small line and lift above my right eye. Your dad was alert and went home, I was in a coma for a bit so I think you got damn lucky. good luck on the reconstruction.
Thanks Eric, but I think the wheel is beyond my capabilities.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Watched an xc rider do about the same a few years back on a new years fay ride with dhmike, dude was tore up much the same, fully recovered six months later.... Healing vibes for your pops, kudos for you for taking care of him


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
it's arguable considering how his bikes were setup

let us not forget which of these two former RM members left another rider injured on the side of a trail to die...
wait a minute....i thought bighitr was the guy who was always getting hit by a car riding to work...

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Sorry to hear about your dad man. For the record, I had that same surgery. They had to take skin from behind my ear and build me a new eyelid. It worked great as you know, I still look incredible, so tell your Dad to hang in there. ;)
I am betting his healthy lifestyle will help him heal quicker. Good luck.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Hope he heals well!

On the wound care: no matter how it may skeeve you out, you gotta' do it. Dope him up as needed, clean/dress however they are suggesting. You don't want to let that **** get infected.

You're probably going to need more dressing stuff than they gave you. Find the/a local medical supply place - you'll get it all for much,much less $$$$ than at a pharmacy/big box grocery store or whatever.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
The plastic surgeon was able to get my dad in early this morning due to a cancellation (guess GFF's check bounced or something). They took a piece of skin from around the eyelid of the opposite eye and grafted it to the hole below his eye. Apparently the hole went all the way down to the bone. They did a better job of cleaning him up than the ER staff who left a lot of dried blood on him. He looks way better today.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts ya'll. Dad will be back to watching Fox News and bitching about Obama Care in no time.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
so i take it that the missing lens did the damage to his face?
Did carbon failure cause this mess? Cause... dang.
We don't know for sure what cut him. The ER Dr. said there was a lot of road debris in the cuts. I couldn't see any skin or blood on the bar, but I haven't really had a chance to give it a closer inspection.

I need to look at those glasses as well. One of the lenses was out.

When I put the bike on the stand I'll look closer. I also think it best to take the fork off and throughly inspect it for any damage.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
The ER doctor and PA both said the old man was a rare breed and that they don't see people as tough as him very often.

I should add that his resume of outdoor activities includes multiple finishes in the Assault on Mount Mitchell, Bridge to Bridge, the Brutal 100, and others. These are famous Western NC Centuries that have an absurd amount of climbing. And he has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail.

All of this happened after he had to take early retirement due to developing Macular Degeneration which left him legally blind and thus unable to drive. He road an old clunker bike around town and eventually got a mountain bike and started going on some road rides. Which eventually lead to an actual road bike and an obsession that would provide him the challenge that he needed since having to retire early in life.
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