
Ridin' Arizona Style...


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
I Are Baboon said:
Man, those pics are nice. It might hurt to brush a cactus though.
I rode a place called White Tanks on Mon. Had to pull off some pretty fancy body english to keep from getting skewered in a couple spots. You definitely don't want to run off the trail here!!!



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Man I miss that stuff. I'm now in Virginia, but grew up out there and have ridden at all those places you mentioned. If you get a chance, which it sounds like you will if you're out there for the month, go ride Hawes. It's out in East Mesa, and nice (well it used to be).

South Mountain was my breeding ground. I couldn't even count how many times I went up and down National (one of the best trails in the world IMO). Try some of the other trails up there too. For more DH hit some of the stuff on the front side like Holbert :thumb: , Kiwanis, and Mormon. You might have to ride the road back up or swing back around, but they're fun. Another nice loop was going up National to the top, traversing across the top and over to Telegraph pass, then dropping down to Desert Classic for the easy spin back to the lot.

I'm jealous. Love the riding out there, and you can't beat that weather in the winter. Have fun. And nice pics.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
TreeSaw said:
Oooohhh.....maybe I should be packing some body armor for our post race rides :D

I can't wait!!!!
Definately pack the armor if you ride National. Some do, some don't but if you want to bomb it it helps. Weekends are crowded with hikers so hit it early and watch out. The shop at the bottom Cactus Bike is great and has lot's of local knowledge and perhaps you could hook up with some local shuttles.


El Santo

Apr 14, 2002
the 'burbs of SF
mmm. SoMo. I am insanely jealous that you get to chill there for a month with your bike.

If you are feeling sassy, try Holbert. One of my top 3 favorites of all time. It'll rattle all of your fillings loose. Geronimo is another one. Armor is required.

Nice pix.