
riding in Colorado

Alright CO monkies, I need your help. It's a little early for my planning, but I need something to look forward to as winter is getting on my nerves.

Coming to CO in July for about three weeks. Wife has a medical conference at Snowmass. Planning to hit the MSC race at Snowmass on the 11-13th. Other then keystone where else can I go to get lift accessed DH? Also, when the wife is done with her conference where in CO can we go for good trail riding? She is very fond of flowy smoother trails.



Apr 7, 2002
It's not really my job around here to respond to these queries (Full Trucker, where are you?), but I'll give it a shot.

For addtional lift-accessed terrain, you'll want to make it to SolVista Basin (www.bikesolvista.com). Lots of new stuff going on - dh, xc trail network, pump track, jumps, etc.

Also, the nearby Fraser valley has some of the best "flowy, smoother trails" around these parts. Really though, there is great xc everywhere here. If you're into riding at a little lower elevation (and hence, a little warmer in July) you should check out the trails near Buffalo Creek, CO. Your wife will love the smooth and flowy, buffed-out nature of the stuff down there.

Hope this helps.


May 18, 2006
ballr - in the words of Jim Rome: "CONCUR!"

Not about the mountain bike stuff, but about the "Full Trucker, where are you?" statement.

Just kidding. SolVista is going to be the place to be for lift-served delights in 2008, especially now that Keystone's going ahead with their new gondola plans. For the flowy, neverending singletrack hookup Summit County is just beyond description. Hundreds of miles of trails (probably into the thousands to be honest) and all of it hooks up. Not as buff as Buffalo Creek though, but definitely cooler temperature-wise. 75 and sunny every day with about 15% humidity.


Jun 13, 2005
what about winterpark? how does their park compare to keystone/solvista?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Winter Park is like going over to your neighbors and riding his plastic skateboard ramp vs. going to a nice cement skatepark(Sol Vista/Keystone)

You can have fun at any of the places but Sol Vista and Keystone have much more to offer. Looks like the next year or two the riding at Keystone will be hindered by construction.