
Riding near Front Royal?


Jun 14, 2004
Djibouti, Africa
Well the bro and I will be moving into Front Royal next year for boarding school and we were wondering what kind of riding there was in the general area. We're gonna be able to bring our bikes along (Big Hit, Marin Wildcat) so we're looking for some good FR/DH stuff but we really want to hit up any sort of ramps/trails/urban that there is in the area. So really any tips about riding in the area would be sweet. Alright well thanks for the help everybody, I look forward to your replies :D

P.S. The closer it is to Front Royal the better :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
You have Elizabeth Furnace pretty much right there in Front Royal. The route down Signal Knob via Bear Wallow is a pretty nice, sustained descent; nothing "requiring" a big bike but great fun nonetheless. Maybe Matt D and others can chime in here about other routes in this area and around Harrisonburg.

If you have any means to travel, Snowshoe is about 3-3.5 hours from Front Royal. There you'll find lift/shuttle serviced FR/DH. Frederick, MD is probably about 1.5 hours from Front Royal and you'll probably find riding there that suits you.

As far as street riding goes...well, I'm not sure what to expect out there. The street scene in DC is pretty solid though. Check out DCStreet.com.
Sep 14, 2003
My Own Hell
Well, Linden is right down the road from Front Royal. Stop at the gas station there and ask for directions to the old Cherokee Ski Resort (been closed for 10 years). A family by the name of the Von-Gontards own the land and I went to school with their two sons (alex and peter). There's a lock on the gate, but it's not really locked you just have to move it around and the gates open. Great stuff riding down the slopes there! If you need any help just PM me and i'll give you a better sense of direction.

P.S. Bring a Four Wheeler! :thumb:


Jun 14, 2004
Djibouti, Africa
Thanks for the tips. Ya we'll have car and everything so snowshoe might sound cool. What's the deal with that place, for the DH runs do you have to pay for every run or what? I'm actually looking forward to moving now :D
Jun 4, 2002
Berryville, VA
How it goin' MTBsSD?

Are you going to go to RMA??? Uh, good luck with that if you are, locals call them Jakes for some reason. Be prepared, the townies are Rednecky! If your used to that then you'll fit right in. Being from Africa, maybe not.
You probably won't find much urban in "Front Ruual" (that's how locals say it) but as others have said, there is plenty of riding around, Elizabeth Furnace has great XC, Harrinsonburg has great XC and shuttle runs, Snowshoe for ALL of the above, and Winchester has a BMX track.
There is also Wintergreen...........................use at your own risk as nobody rides it anymore. Long story.
Good luck at school.

Oh, to answer your last post, Snoeshoe is a day pass deal or season pass if you have the loot and time.


Jun 14, 2004
Djibouti, Africa
Ya we're heading off to RMA. Thanks for the tips on the locals ;) Hopefully we'll be able to hit up the furnace and showshoe when we come back. Maybe we'll see some of you there :D