
Riding next week


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Okay...maybe I'm posting cuz I want some of these - :nopity:

But, I want to ride next week but will be relying on either the mercy of others to come get me or that it's local and I can pedal there on the Juli.

Ze car, she is all smashed up. :( Yep...it's true...my perfect driving record went to pot last night. Stupid Bellevue, Stupid I-405, and Stupid girl with the need to fugging slam on her brakes for no known reason when everyone else in the lane was accelerating. (I was the one doing the rear ending on that particular accident). :rolleyes:

My car is drivable (thus why I'm still heading north for a weekend of de-stressing and riding), but come Monday they will take it away from me to either fix or total. I'm guessing it will not come back to me for several days, and I can't afford a rental (yep, not covered by insurance...so stupid insurance too :eviltongu )

Anywho...this is probably the most pointless post I've made in a good while (though I've made many pointless posts in my day), but if anyone wants to arrange rides I'd sure really appreciate it!



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Yeah...I'm okay...not even whiplash. I'm pretty quick behind the wheel most of the time...I just glanced down briefly and looked back and the car in front had stopped. I was aalllmost stopped when I hit her. Her car has a few scratches so hopefully it's not gonna cost too much to fix up. Not even dents. They make those chrysler cars well I guess. The nose of my car went up under hers so my bumper is intact as are the lights, but the grill is smashed in and the hood is all crumpled.

I swear...the type of driving I hate the most is that stupid slinky action....let's go 40, okay 0, okay 40, okay 0, okay...20, 0, 40, 0...you get it. I was just enough too close for once that I hit someone. :(


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
ill give ya a ride allright :sneaky: ;) :p

glad to hear you are ok. the sound that is made when two cars collide is a sound i will never forget. :mumble:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I'm secretly hoping they total it and I get some phat payoff...that way maybe I can buy an old junker and make some headway on this last year of car payments owed. But I like my little car too...so it's a bit of a tossup.

edit: I'll get steve to take some pics of it tonight when I make it north so I can show y'all my owie ;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Jr_Bullit said:
Yeah...I'm okay...not even whiplash. I'm pretty quick behind the wheel most of the time...I just glanced down briefly and looked back and the car in front had stopped. I was aalllmost stopped when I hit her. Her car has a few scratches so hopefully it's not gonna cost too much to fix up. Not even dents. They make those chrysler cars well I guess. The nose of my car went up under hers so my bumper is intact as are the lights, but the grill is smashed in and the hood is all crumpled.

I swear...the type of driving I hate the most is that stupid slinky action....let's go 40, okay 0, okay 40, okay 0, okay...20, 0, 40, 0...you get it. I was just enough too close for once that I hit someone. :(
God, I hate that type of driving too! It's a total waste of gas.....fast, slam on brakes, fast....brake.

That's too bad about your little car. It was cute :heart:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
That's too bad about your little car. It was cute :heart:
Well maybe it will be cute again someday ;). This weekend however, I get practice driving in the land of ghetto-mobiles. I'm half tempted to put on a mullet-wig, get a wifebeater or a mumu, and strap some old nasty looking bunjees over the hood of my car...:thumb:

Only problem with that is...you can see it once was a nice little car and still is, just a little smashed. :( It's embarrassing driving, people keep a big path around me ...they must all think I'm like aiming for them or something.