
Riding side-by-side in traffic

The route by which I have been driving to work recently tends to have a fair amount of bicycle commuter traffic in the last fifteen miles. It also has more than a few middle-aged Lance wannnabes who just love to ride double file and don't like yielding to overtaking traffic.

I find this pretty frustrating; while my urge after a while is to lean on the horn, I have discovered that if I simply follow right up close, the outside moron will eventually have enough of a V-6 muttering just behind his rear wheel and pull over.

Where do these jackasses come from and why are they still alive? :bonk:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Is there no shoulder on the road? We ride by twos if someone can fit completely on the shoulder, so we don't take up too much of the road....otherwise we do the side by side, fall in behind, when cars come


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
We have the same issue here. 2x2 I can live with, it's the group ride peletons that think they own the road that piss me off. They get engulfed in the Black Cloud when I get a safe chance to pass.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I don't know what to tell you.

I follow behind even single riders until it is safe to pass, and I usually do so over the double yellow, because I don't like being passed inches from the right side mirror, particularly at 55 mph.

Flip it around, maybe you are the first car to pass in 10 minutes or they just forgot to save their lives from a-hole drivers.

I want to hear from a road cyclist who thinks double file is inappropriate.

EDIT: I should point out that we only rode double on roads with wide shoulders. By the time we got to those tiny country roads, we were going so fast we had to ride single to paceline.
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talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I think it's a pain in the ass when guys ride double in places where it makes it difficult for cars to pass. If I'm riding double, I get in line if a car is coming up and can't easily get by. I even remember doing a long ride in VT once (went to college there) and a guy in our group was the only one riding double and not moving. Cars would sit behind us for a long time, sometimes more than one. We all thought it was a pretty dick move.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I refuse to participate in the local group rides because they always ride several riders wide and are generally inconsiderate. In Virginia it is legal to ride two abreast until you slow traffic. At that point it is your respnosibility to ride single file. If it is unsafe for a car to pass ride far enough into the lane that they can not, move as far right as possible and wave cars past when it is safe.
splat, they're locals (to Shelburne...). sanjuro, a car behind is audible when it's a long ways back, even to a deaf old fart like me. I slow down and wait until it's safe and pass with plenty of margin. And yes, I would prefer to be riding, DirtyMike!

These guys are either dickheads or ignoramuses.

Ohyeah, if there's plenty of room I have no beef with double-file but on narrow twisty roads with limited visibility, wake the fargup, boys!