Last night Berkshire rider gave me a call wanting to know if I was gane to try and ride this morning. I said Sure ! So we decided to get out there early before the temperature softened up the snow.
Se we met at 7:30 ma At Douglas State forest and started ridingthe Snowmobile tracks , it started out as just riding fire roads , but we added some Rail beds ,logging trails but ulso found the some of the single track was ridable , We were going at a good pace which made it difficult for me to get many pictures but here is a Picture of the an end/Begging marked for The masschussets mid - state trail ( 90 Miles of trail across Mass ) and it was also one end ofthe Rhode Island North south Trail , which i just found maps and information about on line for online, it is 78 miles across Rhode Island ( with a little in Conneticut ) ( in case you hadn't figured it out this is also a marker for the state line ) Here is a site with e the RI NS trail maps
we had been out almost an hour when we got here
We then tool d around some of the trails in RI looking for the CT line , but we could not find Conneticut. so We were working our way over to Lake wallum , when we found this little camp Lean-to . It was a very cool little hut , and it had a Journal there for visitors to write an entry. So I put one for us and Signed it "Splat & Berkshire Rider "
we made it to lake wallum and here I took this whele we were riding across the lake
Bershire ridere riding now a roller on Dirt!!!
As we were riding back we went across a section of Pond/swamp and it looked like a Snomobile wasa little tooo heavy for the ice here
then as we were heading back the snow had softened up, and riding got much more difficult , we went looking for any stretch of Ice we could find !
but we were out for about 3 hours and got a lot more riding in that I had expected too
Se we met at 7:30 ma At Douglas State forest and started ridingthe Snowmobile tracks , it started out as just riding fire roads , but we added some Rail beds ,logging trails but ulso found the some of the single track was ridable , We were going at a good pace which made it difficult for me to get many pictures but here is a Picture of the an end/Begging marked for The masschussets mid - state trail ( 90 Miles of trail across Mass ) and it was also one end ofthe Rhode Island North south Trail , which i just found maps and information about on line for online, it is 78 miles across Rhode Island ( with a little in Conneticut ) ( in case you hadn't figured it out this is also a marker for the state line ) Here is a site with e the RI NS trail maps
we had been out almost an hour when we got here
We then tool d around some of the trails in RI looking for the CT line , but we could not find Conneticut. so We were working our way over to Lake wallum , when we found this little camp Lean-to . It was a very cool little hut , and it had a Journal there for visitors to write an entry. So I put one for us and Signed it "Splat & Berkshire Rider "
we made it to lake wallum and here I took this whele we were riding across the lake
Bershire ridere riding now a roller on Dirt!!!
As we were riding back we went across a section of Pond/swamp and it looked like a Snomobile wasa little tooo heavy for the ice here
then as we were heading back the snow had softened up, and riding got much more difficult , we went looking for any stretch of Ice we could find !
but we were out for about 3 hours and got a lot more riding in that I had expected too