
Riding with Baxter and BigMike


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Big Mike and I had a great time visiting Jason in the 'burg. We hit a trail about 30 miles west of Harrisonburg in WV. It starts out in a (very) scenic overlook and follows the contour south for about 2 miles and is very typical Appalachian mountain trail, rocky bench cut. There is a bit of bike pushing for those of us pathetically out of shape as it gains some additional elevation. You come to an intersection and turn right and down for about 1500 feet vertical in 3 miles as it descends a spine on the flank of the mountain. There are some really fun chutes and sometimes it goes back up a bit. There is one section called by locals as the "Death Chute" where the trail crosses an exposed layer of hard rock about 30ft thick. Big Mike nailed it on his first attempt. I chickened out as I wasn't "feeling it." The penalty of failure was a tumble down a steep rock and tree strewn slope to the right. "Do or Do Not, there is no try." After that it's a fast and furious descent through the trees that'll make you feel like you're on one of those Star Wars speeder bikes.

Good times!!!

Here's the drop in from the parking area...

Big Mike on the Death Chute vid link...

and "Gandalf"...

I've been wanting to check out the Harrisonburg trails for a long time and it's good to have a guide!

Jason is a mere shadow of his former, flatlander self. He can pedal the sh!t outta that big bike!!!



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So, the weather could not have been more perfect! It was slightly chilly getting out of the car but right after that drop in Dart posted, we had about a 20 minute push up, so we warmed up pretty damn quick!

Then we got to the intersection and took a bit of a rest.

I think Dart was happy just to be sitting down (and so was I!)

Baxter however, was ready to kill it!

Hrm..... Which way?

I think, DOWN!

The "death chute"

(Notice to the left of Dartman in the picture how it just kind of drops off, same deal on the right. If you don't make it, you tumble down some rocks into a boulder garden and come to a nice resting point about 20' from where you started)

Baxter/Gandolph Killing it

I have to say, that is probably the most fun trail I've ever ridden, ANYWHERE. Its got everything on it. Slow tech decents, screaming fast flowy sections, small rock drops, and the best part, you are all by yourself out in the national forest with nature. No commercially ski resorts, loud obnoxios people standing in the middle of the trail, etc. We ran into 2 hikers the whole time we were out there, thats it!

I'm definitely hooked on Harrisonburg. This was only my second time out there, but, damn!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Wow....nice....make the flu I had this past week seem even worse.......

I was a sick monkey.....

However, I'm glad you all had fun.....! Looks like it rocked! :thumb:


Jun 25, 2005
THE BURG but missing BOSTON
Glad you guys came up. It's nice to be back on the bike again after the back incident. I'm more stoked to be closer to all my bros now. It was nice being back up north but I did miss all the riding and Hamberger"s signature lite your a$$ up marinades and Dart's ability to make the fine brewers at Sam Adams work overtime! :cheers: Yeahh a good time had by all. Looking forward to the summer dudes. Time to visit the trophy, all day every day the right way!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 10, 2002
nice shots, the pictures seem to show the steepness alot better then the vid clips. Good stuff!