
RIP Terri


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
dh girlie said:
It is Caesar Chavez Day today...I'm pissed off that those bastard state employees got the day off and us city fools didn't!
I works fo' my ownself and I be taking a ride at UC this affanoon y'all. :D
It hasn't hit 70+ in a looong time in these parts, I gotsta take advantage of that!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I could be wrong, and someone like Toshi would be able to give a more difinitive answer... But don't they pump you with morphine when they remove the feeding tube. I don't think it was as inhumane as we may think. Of course I am not a doctor, nor was I there so I don't know for sure... just my own e-speculation. Personally, if it was me I would rather deal with starving for 2 weeks then be kept alive like that for 15 years.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
clancy98 said:
to whom?

are you actually talking **** about the entire human race?

Now THATS a true elitist.
No, but I lost a little more faith in humanity every time I saw extended footage of her drooling on national TV.
Both sides fought at the expense of this woman's privacy and diginity.

Also, I am with the others that disagreed about the way she had to die.
Laying there to die with no food or water for 14 days, when they could have easily ended her life, whether she actually suffered or not is questionable I know, but either way its ridiculous.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Skookum said:
Nobody needed to have known who she was and wasn't.
Word. This type of thing happens all the time and never in the news let alone having a bill signed into action to 'save' them.

I'm just glad it's all over :)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
meh. the media curcus drove me nuts. we see decisions (end of life/DNR orders/withdraw of care/hospice) like this nearly daily where i work, and everyplace i've worked in the past. families fight over it; always have, always will. i've helped withdraw care, and do short term de facto hospice care many times over the years. you know what? i feel good about it, in an odd way. being part of a process to help that person die with some dignity, pain free, and peaceful is a sad, but oddly fulfilling thing. doing something to help them, even if that is the only thing.

i've seen many families in absolute denial about their relatives plight, but none so bad as the schindlers.

bottom line, what we always tell families struggling to make a decision is this: it's not what you want, it's what the patient, your loved one would have wanted. some people just can't put their own selfishness aside, and think on those terms.

based on my experience with patients in this same type of situation......
terri was in no pain because:

a) the brain fxn she had left wasn't going to allow it.
b) hospice care involves keeping the patient as pain free as possible.

the "no water to even wet her lips" crap presented by the "lifer" folks is BS. again, hospice folks are very good at taking care of these patients. they don't suffer.

(last aside) ok. granted, i never saw terri. i only saw the same video and picture stuff everyone else here saw, but......
the gal had no functioning brain left, other than low level brain stem function as far as i could tell. when your cognitive centers get replaced with CSf, it's kinda hard to be the peson you were, or anything other than the so called vegatable...... based on that, yes, terri was NEVER going to get better/improve/speak/think/swallow again.

ok. off my soapbox......


Dec 6, 2004
Sherpa said:
When are people going to understand it's not painful to starve in most cases?
yeah, plus I heard when you starve you hallucinate.

and hallucinating is fun :thumb: