


May 13, 2005

Im comming to Riverside in two weeks for some work. But i thought that i would bring my dh-bike to do some local riding if there was anything worth rideing in the souroundings (a hour or something. I was plamnning to chech out Big Bear, but heard that it was shut dow reasently. So where should i go rinding around there?

Im quite experinced: have ridden hard tracks in France (Les gets, Morzine ...), Germany (Todtnau, Bad Wildbad, Ilmernau), Sweeden and Norway (Åre, Narvik...), Spain .... So im up for some serious riding im someone wants to drag me with them to ther spots.


JD, Denmark


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
J D said:

Im comming to Riverside in two weeks for some work. But i thought that i would bring my dh-bike to do some local riding if there was anything worth rideing in the souroundings (a hour or something. I was plamnning to chech out Big Bear, but heard that it was shut dow reasently. So where should i go rinding around there?

Im quite experinced: have ridden hard tracks in France (Les gets, Morzine ...), Germany (Todtnau, Bad Wildbad, Ilmernau), Sweeden and Norway (Åre, Narvik...), Spain .... So im up for some serious riding im someone wants to drag me with them to ther spots.


JD, Denmark
Bigbear still has snow anyway...

If you search under "skyline" there is a thread about a DH run in Riverside.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
well, since your willing to go anywhere within an hour of riverside, you've pretty much got all of Socal to ride. Orange county has a few DH spots, in LA you've got Mount. Wilson, Palos Verdes (beautiful coastal DH), and others. Fontana is right near riverside. Hook up with some local moto rats and have them wipp you into huge 100 foot doubles at Beumont. You'll find something fun to ride, but be prepared cause it's getting HOT out here. Riverside should be in the 80-90 degrees range.


May 13, 2005
Thanx for the replys. I try to browse around after som of the spots you gave me.

BTW: Is there a dedicated dirt-bike shop in Riverside?


Feb 14, 2004
It sounds like you're a pretty good rider... you might wanna hit skyline, but you'll need a guide and shuttle (are you gonna be in town for the v.2 skyline ride?). Laguna is supposed to be really good, but I've never been...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
You'll want to ride Laguna in orange county, definitely. Fontana near Riverside is the local DH race venue; might want to hit it up for some runs, but it's not super-exciting. One or two places worth seeing in San Diego, too, if you want to make a 2-hour drive for it. Mt Wilson in LA is a great shuttleable trailride, wouldn't miss it, but it's not "DH" riding per se, and it's multi-use trails. Few other similar fun, long rides like San Juan Trail in OC and Noble Canyon in SD; shuttleable, but not real 'hardcore DH' stuff.

Santa Barbara is awesome DH riding (albeit on multi-use trails), very rocky and technical, but might be as far as a 3 hour drive for you, depending on where you are. I'd recommend making the trip; send a PM to Zark if you're headed that way.


May 13, 2005
The v.2 skyline ride sounds sweet... just the kind of thing that i needet. Sadly im not there for that weekend... I try to see if I can find out somthing about the Laguna ride or Fontana. At least to se the spots...

I think i better get a week freetime next tim I hit CA, so I can do some serious rideing. It gonna be hard both to find the spots and arrage some shuttel when Im only there for a weekend. otherwise i have to wait to next summer. Me and some mates plan to come over and shop an old truck and do 2-3 weeks riding.
