
RM Swag Thread


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Figured I would start something to keep it more organized. If anyone is interested in RM 'stuff', we can post in here and see if there's enough interest. I ordered the mugs and coasters through Vistaprint and it really wasn't that much, so I could always give specifics if people wanted to order their own as well. I'd have to look at the actual savings between putting in a large order or having people just order their own stuff. The price was significantly cheaper to buy like 2 instead of one (almost the same cost for the 2 together), but more than that, I don't think it drops all that much much. Plus people could have shipped directly to them for probably cheaper than what it would cost for me to pay for shipping twice.

I can provide the files I used, which was just a file I converted from a jpg. Maybe somebody has a cleaner file or is better at vector art than I am.


I can also run bottle openers or something if people are interested. Maybe post up some ideas of a style people would want. :dirol:

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
For the race car team we use teespring.com pretty often... it’s mostly t-shirts but they have some other stuff as well. And it’s a nifty service in that people can order on their own, but it all gets produced at once so the price per is more akin to a larger order. Just another option.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout