
Road rage... am I wrong?


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Road rage story...

First the intersection description. There is an intersection about a mile from my house that has 2 turn lanes and a left on green only sign posted... you have to cross 2 lanes of traffic. I always use the outdie lane because I can advance further before the turn and the turn is less sharp. But 5 times out of ten the guy in the inside lane blocks both lanes with his advance and goes to the outside turnlane half way through his turn... totally illegal right?

Okay, today at lunch this guy in a rather nice car is in the inside lane and has not advanced at all. So I go ahead and advance and start my turn... he matches my turn except a guy in a pickup turned right before me and merged into his lane so it slow him down... we continue on and I get on the highway... meanwhile, this guy passes this truck... in 2 lane turn by the way (also illegal) and starts jumping around traffic like crazy inorder to get on my ass... he proceeds to cut someone off and drive like a maniac and then rides my ass pretty damn close, making all kinds of hand gestures with his face in the window all close so I can make sure he is yelling at me.

Thus far I have done nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. But he continues this for about half a mile. I started to get annoyed so I gave him a nice firm brake check. He freaks, slams on his breaks and skids a little. Then he makes a dangerously shapr turn at 70 mph and exits the highway. It was kind of freaky.

Anyway, I know I was wrong to brake check the guy but WTF is a guy to do when he is being yelled at for no reason on the highway with a guy riding his ass like crazy. I hate road rage. My luck I'll bump into the guy again and he'll recognise my car with the bike rack on it and do something stupid as he obviously has problems :(


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
brake checks put everyone in danger. I just let off the gas until the asshole passes. I don't care if I am close to a rolling stop by the time they get the point.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Next time use the e-brake, it doesn't trigger the brake lights. You'll get into an accident (his fault) and file a police report, but asshat will get the shaft, and with any luck a bystander can corraberate his jerkish behavior.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
When someone is tailgating me (or is mad), I usually keep my foot on the accellerator and gently press my left foot onto the brake to light up my brake lights. Most of the time they get scared and back off, but there isn't the risk of them plowing into you.

The remaining times I will just slow down to 5-10mph under the posted speed limit and putter along until they pass me or drop back. I drove for nearly 40 minutes one time with someone who was within a yard of my bumper while we were doing 60mph. I slowed down to 45mph (posted 55mph) and cruised on home. The guy never backed off, but he eventually did pass me.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
brake checks rawk!

I had a situation where a brake check was used very effectively.

I was in the exit lane getting off of I-44 to get on 75, there was a car ahead of me, and a semi to my left. The semi decides he needs to exit as I am directly beside him. I can't go any faster because of the car ahead of me, so I proceed. I pass the semi and he whips in behind me and honks and flips me off. We're both doing about 70 and I just crammed the brakes. He has to lock up the 18 wheeler and smoke is just rolling out from his wheels as he comes to almost a dead stop. I just laughed, stuck my arm out the window and returned his 'friendly' gesture and went on my way.

So I totally agree with ya

Just ask yourself, "What would Cooter Brown do?"


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
laura said:
brake checks put everyone in danger. I just let off the gas until the asshole passes. I don't care if I am close to a rolling stop by the time they get the point.
Yeah I know I do that when I'm getting ridden by people sometimes, I just totally had a kneejerk reaction to this guy motioning and yelling like a gorrilla while riding my ass... it freaked me out.

Oh and the brake check wasnt that hard... it was just a quick but firm one then I was right back on the gas.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Cooter Brown said:
brake checks rawk!

I had a situation where a brake check was used very effectively.

I was in the exit lane getting off of I-44 to get on 75, there was a car ahead of me, and a semi to my left. The semi decides he needs to exit as I am directly beside him. I can't go any faster because of the car ahead of me, so I proceed. I pass the semi and he whips in behind me and honks and flips me off. We're both doing about 70 and I just crammed the brakes. He has to lock up the 18 wheeler and smoke is just rolling out from his wheels as he comes to almost a dead stop. I just laughed, stuck my arm out the window and returned his 'friendly' gesture and went on my way.

So I totally agree with ya

Just ask yourself, "What would Cooter Brown do?"
I bet you know the intersection... getting on I-44 Eastbound from Riverside... 2 lane turn, but people on the inside always get pissed when you dont treat the inside lane like its the only one. I dont get it... I guess 50% of drivers dont pay any mind to the other lane.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
laura said:
brake checks put everyone in danger. I just let off the gas until the asshole passes. I don't care if I am close to a rolling stop by the time they get the point.
I am with you

let the crazy psycho who might have a gun and obviously no common sense pass

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
golgiaparatus said:
I bet you know the intersection... getting on I-44 Eastbound from Riverside... 2 lane turn, but people on the inside always get pissed when you dont treat the inside lane like its the only one. I dont get it... I guess 50% of drivers dont pay any mind to the other lane.

yep, I've noticed a higher % of asshats in tulsa than anywhere else I have lived:mumble: :mumble: :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Echo said:
This is why I ride my bike to work. 99% of people driving cars during commute hours are assholes.
I don't think it has anythign to do with the fact that they are driving cars - 99% of people are assholes.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
jacksonpt said:
I don't think it has anythign to do with the fact that they are driving cars - 99% of people are assholes.
True. Many of them are capable of masking their true assholeness much of the time. But when they get behind the wheel of a car, it seems there is no keeping it contained.


May 24, 2006
There's a 3 mile stretch of 25mph zone near our home, the speed limit should be 35 or more given the road type. Anyway, people love to drive much faster than the posted speed limit and follow way too close. My rule is that if I can't see their front license plate, I'm going 25 the whole way - maybe less if they look agitated. I'll point at the speed limit signs out the sunroof, just for effect.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
When someone is tailgating me (or is mad), I usually keep my foot on the accellerator and gently press my left foot onto the brake to light up my brake lights. Most of the time they get scared and back off, but there isn't the risk of them plowing into you.
Dammit - you stole that trick from me. Admit it. :p


May 5, 2006
golgiaparatus said:
Road rage story...

First the intersection description. There is an intersection about a mile from my house that has 2 turn lanes and a left on green only sign posted... you have to cross 2 lanes of traffic. I always use the outdie lane because I can advance further before the turn and the turn is less sharp. But 5 times out of ten the guy in the inside lane blocks both lanes with his advance and goes to the outside turnlane half way through his turn... totally illegal right?

Okay, today at lunch this guy in a rather nice car is in the inside lane and has not advanced at all. So I go ahead and advance and start my turn... he matches my turn except a guy in a pickup turned right before me and merged into his lane so it slow him down... we continue on and I get on the highway... meanwhile, this guy passes this truck... in 2 lane turn by the way (also illegal) and starts jumping around traffic like crazy inorder to get on my ass... he proceeds to cut someone off and drive like a maniac and then rides my ass pretty damn close, making all kinds of hand gestures with his face in the window all close so I can make sure he is yelling at me.

Thus far I have done nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. But he continues this for about half a mile. I started to get annoyed so I gave him a nice firm brake check. He freaks, slams on his breaks and skids a little. Then he makes a dangerously shapr turn at 70 mph and exits the highway. It was kind of freaky.

Anyway, I know I was wrong to brake check the guy but WTF is a guy to do when he is being yelled at for no reason on the highway with a guy riding his ass like crazy. I hate road rage. My luck I'll bump into the guy again and he'll recognise my car with the bike rack on it and do something stupid as he obviously has problems :(
A guy in a pickup in Tulsa driving all crazy like? Get out, yer pullin my chain. If Cooter didn't live in KS, I'd swear it was him. Serial the dude has anger-behind-the-wheel issues. I'm serial, he does. Totally serial.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
cadmus said:
There's a 3 mile stretch of 25mph zone near our home, the speed limit should be 35 or more given the road type. Anyway, people love to drive much faster than the posted speed limit and follow way too close. My rule is that if I can't see their front license plate, I'm going 25 the whole way - maybe less if they look agitated. I'll point at the speed limit signs out the sunroof, just for effect.
we have the same exact road here where i live. it sucks.


May 24, 2006
lovebunny said:
we have the same exact road here where i live. it sucks.
It does suck, but messing w/ the speeders is the only way for me to deal with it - no more tickets for this guy.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
cadmus said:
There's a 3 mile stretch of 25mph zone near our home, the speed limit should be 35 or more given the road type. Anyway, people love to drive much faster than the posted speed limit and follow way too close. My rule is that if I can't see their front license plate, I'm going 25 the whole way - maybe less if they look agitated. I'll point at the speed limit signs out the sunroof, just for effect.
I live on a 25mph residential street with parks every couple of blocks, pre-schools, bike lane, (pretty much every reason in the world you should go 25mph), but some people insist on driving 45 and getting pissed if you are in their way because your going the speed limit. If some jerk gets behind me and rides my tail, I literally set my cruise control at 25. If He/She proceeds to tailgate me and act like a moron, I click the cruise off and let the car decelerate to 20, and click it back in. All the way to a block past my house where I turn and go around the block so the crazy doesn't know where I live! ;)

People just need to calm down. Speeding doesn't get you anywhere fast enough to be worth killing people over.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I hate letting ragers draw me down to their level. I usually take the high road and wave like they are my friend.

Then when they pass I give them the international symbol for being genitally challenged.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
OGRipper said:
I hate letting ragers draw me down to their level. I usually take the high road and wave like they are my friend.

Then when they pass I give them the international symbol for being genitally challenged.
I think raise the roof is the ultimate insult...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Cooter Brown said:
I was in the exit lane getting off of I-44 to get on 75, there was a car ahead of me, and a semi to my left. The semi decides he needs to exit as I am directly beside him. I can't go any faster because of the car ahead of me, so I proceed. I pass the semi and he whips in behind me and honks and flips me off. We're both doing about 70 and I just crammed the brakes. He has to lock up the 18 wheeler and smoke is just rolling out from his wheels as he comes to almost a dead stop. I just laughed, stuck my arm out the window and returned his 'friendly' gesture and went on my way.
you were merging onto a highway, which the semi's already on? why not slow down and let him exit?

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
narlus said:
you were merging onto a highway, which the semi's already on? why not slow down and let him exit?

no, I was exiting off of the highway and already in the exit lane, he decided at the last minute that he needed to be where I was..................wasn't gonna happen


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Echo said:
This is why I ride my bike to work. 99% of people driving cars during commute hours are assholes.

thats what actually makes me drive...

its a freaking demolition derby out there.. you dont want to go to a demolition derby on a bicycle, spandex and 3/4 gloves, dont you?


Apr 17, 2004
I didn't read the whole thread but another variation on the brake check is using your hazards. It appears as a brake check but you don't have to slow down.

I had to use this when the car I was(borrowing) didn't have brake lights. I got pulled over because my car fit the description of a bank robber. The cop new something was up but couldn't quite figure it out. He was too riled up looking for the perp.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Cooter Brown said:
brake checks rawk!

I had a situation where a brake check was used very effectively.

I was in the exit lane getting off of I-44 to get on 75, there was a car ahead of me, and a semi to my left. The semi decides he needs to exit as I am directly beside him. I can't go any faster because of the car ahead of me, so I proceed. I pass the semi and he whips in behind me and honks and flips me off. We're both doing about 70 and I just crammed the brakes. He has to lock up the 18 wheeler and smoke is just rolling out from his wheels as he comes to almost a dead stop. I just laughed, stuck my arm out the window and returned his 'friendly' gesture and went on my way.

So I totally agree with ya

Just ask yourself, "What would Cooter Brown do?"

Since no one else commented on this I have to call you out as an idiot. Brake checking a 60,000 pound plus semi truck with your 4000 pound car/truck? You sure showed him. I've been to a wreck on the highway where someone did exactly that...and ended up with the tractor trailer directly on top of their car. The guy bleed to death cuz we couldn't cut him out fast enough. Not to mention the 4 kids that got thrown out of their SUV that was tailing the Semi when it jack knifed.

I've brake checked people before...but when it comes to buses and trucks you gotta use your head. You are the reason why I have job security.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Cooter Brown said:
no, I was exiting off of the highway and already in the exit lane, he decided at the last minute that he needed to be where I was..................wasn't gonna happen
this 'me first' mentality, esp when toying w/ tractor trailers, is idiotic. slow down and let him in first.

or would that somehow compromise yr imagined manhood?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 24, 2003
Mammoth Lakes, Ca
Zark said:
Next time use the e-brake, it doesn't trigger the brake lights. You'll get into an accident (his fault) and file a police report, but asshat will get the shaft, and with any luck a bystander can corraberate his jerkish behavior.
either that, downshift, or put it in overdrive. I used to have my friends follow me somewhere and I would just downshift and make a sharp turn and they would barely make the turn, pretty funny. but now my truck is an auto.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
Dog Welder said:
Since no one else commented on this I have to call you out as an idiot. Brake checking a 60,000 pound plus semi truck with your 4000 pound car/truck? You sure showed him. I've been to a wreck on the highway where someone did exactly that...and ended up with the tractor trailer directly on top of their car. The guy bleed to death cuz we couldn't cut him out fast enough. Not to mention the 4 kids that got thrown out of their SUV that was tailing the Semi when it jack knifed.

I've brake checked people before...but when it comes to buses and trucks you gotta use your head. You are the reason why I have job security.

ok bro, I knew what the hell I was doing, I had enough space between me and the semi, so slow yer roll there mang. After all it's not my fault the dude didn't plan ahead enough to know where in the hell he needed to go, but no problem, I didn't get hurt, the semi driver didn't land on top of me, and the car/truck/suv behind the cracked out semi driver didn't get hurt either

calm down there homie-o:)

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
narlus said:
this 'me first' mentality, esp when toying w/ tractor trailers, is idiotic. slow down and let him in first.

or would that somehow compromise yr imagined manhood?

it wasn't about 'me first', I was up by the cab of the semi when it dawned on him he was a f#cking moron and didn't plan ahead to get on the road he needed on, he just got the brakes I would have used in front of him rather than beside him to accomodate his dumb ass:rolleyes: