
Rochester invades Cleveland (Ray's MTB) LONG POST!


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I figured I'd get a thread going here, even though other Jackalopes are in posession of the pics... I've got some nice video, it's downloaded to my laptop but I still gotta edit the footage. In the meantime I'll post my review of a kickass weekend :)

A few weeks ago, Instigator, stuntmatty and greasey monkey decided to try to sneak over to Cleveland to ride Ray's MTB Indoor Park without telling anyone else. Fortunately the JBI (Jackalope Bureau of Investigation) learned of their sinister plan to bogart all the kickass stunts for themselves, and a full scale assault was sucessfully implemented.

The first wave of Jackalopes arrived in Cleveland on Friday night to perform the necessary preparation for the next morning's attack. Included were Gee Spot, Mtbkngrl, Tweek, kettenring, Echo, TreeSaw, and Sq-earl. Unfortunately due to Gee Spot's birthday, much more time was spend consuming alcohol than actual battle preparation. However due to TreeSaw's pancakes and bacon, the troops were ready to go in the morning as planned.

We arrived at Ray's after some driving around aimlessly trying to figure out what road leads to the smokestack. Fortunately it had snowed, so there was a path plowed that led right to Ray's front door. If not for that we would probably still be driving around in that huge industrial complex. When we pulled up, there was a truck there that looked just like Instigator's. BLAST! We had been beaten! As it turned out though, it was not Instigator's truck after all, so we proceeded inside to fill out our waivers, pay our (very reasonable) admission fees, and scope the place out.

My first impression was, man this place is huge! And there are tons of stunts here! Then I walked a little further and saw that it was about 3 times as big as I first thought! At that point, all brain activity ceased except for the basic functions of putting on gear and climbing on my bike.

The first thing I saw when I rode onto the main floor was the Outer Loop, with a funky bridge thing followed by a big berm. My legs didn't even wait for me to decide what I wanted to ride first, they just started cranking towards that berm. After blasting around the berm, I saw a nice little step-up tabletop. Fortunately I had hauled ass around the berm so I had plenty of speed for the step-up. After that was a sweet tabletop, which I wasn't going nearly fast enough to clear. Then the low-high kicker corner jump thingy, followed by 3 huge tabletops. Man this was kicking ass, and I hadn't even found a stunt yet!

I used the 3 round tabletops to get back to the front area, and realized that being in XC shape didn't mean squat here, I was already out of breath. I decided to do a run through the beginner course, since I didn't even remember what it felt like to have my tires on a stunt. By this time there were Trailblazers jerseys all over the place, it was pretty funny. I zipped through the beginner loop and decided it was exactly that, fun but not for me. Luckily the beginner loop ends right at the start of the sport loop, so I didn't need to use my brain.

I hammered into the sport loop, and found that this was much cooler. Wooden berms, the bridges got a little skinnier and higher, the corners got a little tighter, and there were little obstacles starting to pop up like teeters and off camber stuff. That sport course was a blast! Just techy enough to be challenging, some nice optional stuff, and MAD FLOW. I knew I would be spending a lot of time there.

The sport course ends right at the beginning of the expert course, so once again I was spared the hassle of activating my brain for what to do next. I did several runs of the 5 rounded tabletops with the big vert wall berm thing in the middle. Eventually this turned into a "highmarking" situation, and I think pretty much everyone got above the Ray's logo and past vertical. Those jumps were sweet, and I knew I would be spending a lot of time there too.

At that point I noticed that Tweek and Sq-earl were on the stunt section of the expert course, and tearing it up. I knew most of the expert stunts were beyond my ability, but I gave some of them a try anyway. Did the double teeter which was awesome, the little "moving cart" thing, the spinning bridge, and the highest bridge in the place which went to 3 different sized drops. I knew Tweek, Sq-earl, stuntmatty and Instigator would be spending a lot of time on the expert section. Every time I looked over there one of those guys was balancing on some little peice of wood that was barely wider than their tires.

Around lunchtime, the rest of the crew rolled in, with horror stories of a closed highway and a 2 hour detour from hell. But their spirits would soon be raised by the beauty of 71,000 square feet of stunts and jumps. Arriving in the second attack wave were Instigator, stuntmatty, greasey monkey, Sorgie, Alex, Crashby, and Squid. I thought there were a lot of Trailblazers jerseys earlier, well now it was just getting rediculous.

Everyone was ripping stuff up, and it seemed like every time I stopped riding long enough to look around someone was doing something that was pushing the limits of their abilities. Eventually the tired muscles became too much to bear and we headed back to the hotels for some much needed showering, food, beer, bourbon, and Gee Spot's birthday cake.

Sunday morning arrived, and enough coffee, pancakes, bacon, and Advil were consumed to make another attack run. Everyone was well warmed up and confident from the day before, and more people started hitting the expert stuff. Gee Spot and Mtbkngrl in particular spent a lot of time over there on Sunday. TreeSaw somehow went from being afraid of everything to cleaning the sport course, which caused me to have to activate my brain to try and figure out how that could have happened. Everyone was kicking ass all over the place.

Despite the seemingly huge number of opportunities to stack in that place, there were almost no incidents. Tweek managed to impale his boys on his stem while jackhammering through a rock garden, and I managed to lose my chain (damn singlulator) hammering towards a jump, and greasey monkey had a few entertaining bails on the higher hip jump, but thankfully there were no serious incidents.

One time I was following Squid through the jumps (at an admittedly unsafe distance) and some asshat stopped on top of one table, causing Squid to stop and me to almost eat concrete, that was scary. But overall it seemed like the excellent flow of the place keeps rider interference to a minimum. Much better than any skatepark I've seen.

Overall Ray's gets like 30 thumbs up. Ray is a cool dude who can be seen out on the floor representing on the stunts with the best of the riders in the place, and the next minute he's behind the counter talking business like a pro. With a dedicated smart guy like Ray running that place, it looks like a bright future.

Now let's get some pics in here Jackalopes! Warning: any attempts to derail this thread will be moderated. Deal.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Great Write up Echo.

Man it sounds like Treesaw is kicking some serious butt already this year! Way to go T!

Now get moving with those picks ya Jackelopes!

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
Ray's is fun. I like it. When you first get there, it's sort of surreal, like you have a hard time believing the place exists, even you're looking right at it. It's like a dreamscape.


Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
This thread is worthless without pics! :o:
Ray's was like I died and went to heaven, I can't wait to go back...I think everyone that went last weekend stepped it up in the two days that we spent there. I must give Treesaw mad chillies for her riding, you've come a long way in a really short period of time....And of course to Gee Spot who was on fire and made me do things I probably would have chickened out on if she didn't nail it first...Sooooooooooo when is trip #2? :drool:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I don't think they actually went, they just read the magazine articles. Thought they could be e-cool by telling everyone they rode at Rays.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
MMcG said:
Great Write up Echo.

Man it sounds like Treesaw is kicking some serious butt already this year! Way to go T!

Now get moving with those picks ya Jackelopes!
Thanks :D I was SO excited for that place and left ready for MUCH more riding this year. Echo & Sq-Earl even managed to talk me into jumping into the foam pit.

I will definately be posting up some pics this evening!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Echo said:
TreeSaw somehow went from being afraid of everything to cleaning the sport course, which caused me to have to activate my brain to try and figure out how that could have happened. Everyone was kicking ass all over the place.
Congrats TreeSaw! :thumb:

Can't wait to see the pics. :)

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
"I don't think they actually went"

I was beginning to wonder, what with making us wait so long and all!
Thanks for the extensive write-up; it must've been especially hard at first, in the
dead of winter!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Mtbkngrl said:
This thread is worthless without pics! :o:
Ray's was like I died and went to heaven, I can't wait to go back...I think everyone that went last weekend stepped it up in the two days that we spent there. I must give Treesaw mad chillies for her riding, you've come a long way in a really short period of time....And of course to Gee Spot who was on fire and made me do things I probably would have chickened out on if she didn't nail it first...Sooooooooooo when is trip #2? :drool:
Aw....thanks! You and Gee Spot really were rippin' up the place...makes me think that someday I will be ridin' right there with you two :sneaky:

Shyrmp said:
Congrats TreeSaw! :thumb:

Can't wait to see the pics. :)
Thanks! I was pretty psyched. I thought I was going to be rockin' the beginner course the whole time, but after a couple warm-up laps, I was onto the Sport course and hittin the teeters and bridges over and over and over. I definately have to hit the cart on our next trip (which, IMO, can't come too soon).


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Nice sounds like a great time. Are you guys just sponsored by Trailblazers or do any of you guys work there? I just went there for the first time a couple of days ago, nice shop and some lovely bikes. I especially liked the Yeti upstairs with the brushed aluminum finish. Anyways definately put in some pics, I can't really wrap my mind around this place quite yet.


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
Ok, here is one photo of Treesaw on the sport course. I am very sick right now, so you will have to wait till tomorrow for more. back to bed............



Dec 13, 2002
Rochester, NY
Ok, here's a few more pics for ya's... Treesaw took these with my camera while i was off who knows where. At the risk of being repetitive, rays kicked ass, and so did this whole weekend! :thumb:

The birthday girl, GeeSpot railing the big berm-wall thingy....

Mtbkngrl making the double teeter look easier than it is!

"Look Ma, one hand!" Echo in action...

Sq-earl riding a VERY tricky section of the expert course. So tricky, in fact, that I never even bothered to try it!

Stuntmatty doing a 90/180/360/your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine into the foam pit. This foam pit was WAY easier to get out of than the one at our local skatepark....

Thats all for now, time to eat! :)


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Aaaaahhh I hate the death grip of the foam pit at our local park... Rays looks really cool. Seems like they are getting some awesome exposure


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Instigator said:
Ok, here is one photo of Treesaw on the sport course. I am very sick right now, so you will have to wait till tomorrow for more. back to bed............

:heart: :love: :heart:
I love my Instigator! I think that was one of the only times I cleaned those damn corners :D

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
I will testify to the fact that all the Jackalopes were geting down, cant wait to have you all to my trails, see you when the weather's warm :think:


Oct 2, 2003
Bike Hater Central
Rays was the B-O-M-B!!! Can't wait to go back again. So many ideas.... :devil: It was great to see everyone in the jackalope family represent. This season is off to a running start.

I'd have to say that the jump course was my favorite along with the last few sections of the sport course. Gotta build a rainbow bridge of my own for us to practice.

Treesaw - You kicked ass. I heard Ray was having butts trucked in from Toledo to meet the demand. Seriously though, you've come a long way and it was awesome to watch you expand the boundaries in which you ride.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
stuntmatty said:
Rays was the B-O-M-B!!! Can't wait to go back again. So many ideas.... :devil: It was great to see everyone in the jackalope family represent. This season is off to a running start.

I'd have to say that the jump course was my favorite along with the last few sections of the sport course. Gotta build a rainbow bridge of my own for us to practice.

Treesaw - You kicked ass. I heard Ray was having butts trucked in from Toledo to meet the demand. Seriously though, you've come a long way and it was awesome to watch you expand the boundaries in which you ride.

Dude....you're far too kind...I only kicked Cleveland butts :evil:

Celveland rocks...Cleveland Rocks....Ohio (ohio) (ohio).


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Enough with the
....on with the pics! :D

Tweek on the straight & narrow.

“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah”
(translates to look out boys)

We all know stuntmatty’s record with the teeters :devil:

Sq-Earl & Tweek rockin’ the expert course.

Mtbkngrl & Sq-Earl on the expert course.

Mtbkngrl on the sport course.

Sorge on the sport course.

Gee Spot nailing a drop on the expert course.

Greasey monkey on the expert course.

Instigator on the expert course.

Instigator defying gravity.

Crashby on the sport course.

E-love (aka kettenring) on the sport course.

Echo can’t even stop riding to pee so he has to do it on a wooded part of the sport course.

Sq-Earl carefully maneuvering though a natural log outcropping carefully placed alongside some man-made features.

TreeSaw rockin’ the sport course.

Not only were there stunts, but there was a comfy foam pit to jump into.




Ray’s was SO cool that even the outdoor sliding was extreme


And let’s not forget the cake ;)