I still think this is a more awesome idea than 10 speed X.7. I'm not particularly likely to buy either, but see more point to this. I'm not a 10 speed hater on principle, and totally get the advantage, but am concerned that it'll either be a bunch more expensive than the current X.7, or cut corners somewhere. As it stands now, 10 speed chains and cassettes are a lot more expensive than 9 speed ones. I'm talking comparable quality road stuff, because XX isn't exactly with a 9 speed equal. Now, I understand the idea of trickle down and all that, and I'd love to give it a ride, but I'm not convinced that cheap 10 speed is ready for prime time. SRAM way well prove my skepticism unfounded, and if they do, awesome. I'm not going to jump on it as soon as it comes out though. Someone else can play guinea pig.its funny how people are dropping their panties for a cheap dual crown fork (that no one wants,) over a cheap 10 speed drivetrain that most people want