
Rockville - what's up with all the new fences???


Feb 11, 2002
Bay Area
I was out at Rockville on NYE, and was surprised to see a sh*t load of new fences being erected around the southern-most pond, around some low laying land immediately north of this pond (encapsulating a cool downed tree I used to bunny hop up onto), as well as some fences that appear to be a way to block the trails leading to the entire south end of the park (think about the gnarly "Manzanita Chute" on the back side).

This is in addition to the fences erected in the last year or so to accomodate an upscale housing tract at the south end.

What the eff is happening? Does anyone know?


Dec 3, 2003
The OV
auh man. I haven't been there for a while. Last time I was there the new housing tract fences were up.... no info for you, sorry.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
Up near the pond they were doing some sort of "wetland rehabilitation" sort of thing.

They had tractors moving dirt around a few weeks ago and are probably trying to keep people off more sensitive areas while they rehabilitate.

I'm not real sure about the other fences on the back side of the park. They are building houses near the border, but they aren't going to encroach on the park.

My best guess is that they are there to somehow controll erosion since a few weeks ago nearly all the trails over there became really, really sketchy. I think the company building the housing came over to remove trash and stuff, and maybee repair some trails, sort of ruining them.

Basically I noticed the trash was gone, but I could barely pedal along the flat, off-camber section at the bottom.

Peace Out!