
Rocky Mountain High Part Trois


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
3-days of riding... vast majority of the time spent over 11K feet. Saturday the vast majority was spent above 12K feet.

Dead people:

Living people:

I don't know what the hell he's smiling about

For the record - that is NOT a smile:

But this was a good reason to smile:

Round 2 - bikes are still happy:

Flowers are happy:

Happy wearing off?

Ahhh... $hit.

It may actually be as bad as it looks:

Yup. Pretty sure it is.

Nice views, though... right? RIGHT?

Someone finally cracks.

So do we head down the jeep road to the truck? HELL NO. Let's climb what appears to be an innocuous valley on the map so we can finish with singletrack:

Innocuous my a$$. The crew at the top of Ballbuster Pass:

More nature suckage:

Cataract Lake - yeah... this is the *start* of the section we set out to ride. I think at this point it's around 6:30.

One last low pass:

Dodgy weather skirted us the whole day...


I think the map said "Really big landslide"... yeah. It was.

I did not take any pictures of the demon mud.

Final day after camping in the trucks:

Happy, clean bike:

Monarch Crest h8rs can SUCK IT:

Yes - that's the little Agate ribbon down there. So, soooo good.

One more pic before plunging down down down:

To a cool old rotten cabin:

That was it. A bit more splashing in the creek, a little monsoon shower, and we hit the beer. I'm still tired.