
Rod Belding appreciation thread?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I searched and couldn't find one.

Here's to you Rod.

I bet that rafting trip would've kicked ass!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
From teh wiki
Rod Belding was Mr. Belding’s brother and stepped in as a substitute teacher during junior year (Screech: "A building with two Beldings one of whom is balding!"). He initially made a hip impression on the students because of his happy-go-lucky attitude, world-weary demeanor, and tales of defying authority and schoolwork. Mr. Belding was overshadowed by his brother’s connection with the students, which was evident in a minor confrontation they had when Mr. Belding tells his brother he is not to be teaching the kids whitewater rafting on official class time. However, Rod arranged to take the students on a whitewater rafting trip for their annual class trip (ruining Mr. Belding's plans to visit Yosemite Park) and then skipped out to meet a stewardess named Inga. Mr. Belding is furious that Rod would abandon his commitment to the students and orders him never to come back to Bayside, saying, "Get out of my school." Mr. Belding then lies to the students that his brother is ill, but the students ask him to chaperone the whitewater rafting and he happily agrees to do so. Zack, who was aware of the incident, confided in Mr. Belding that “we got the better Belding.”
Burly clearly needs more non-fish friends.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
"Jessie, those pills are dangerous!"

"I'm so excited! I'm so-oh-oo excited! I'm so, so scared!"

Television history was made that evening.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Are you kidding me? This thread has the potential to be legendary!

There is a lesson for all of us hidden in the flowing locks of Rod Belding's decidedly masculine and beautiful hair. Through Rod's inspiring story, we learn how to re-connect with our youth... how to shirk the heavy and needless responsibilities society places on our shoulders, and replace them with a "live for today," care-free and exciting devotion to LIFE! Carpe Diem. GIVE US, US FREE!