the gripshift isnt like a normal sifter, it has no indexing and has two cables attached and pulls one or the other depending on which way you turn it. So if you wanted to use a trigger type you would have to have two 'push' triggers not one push one release. ie. pain in the ass.
Quite possible I'd say I love GS so I've not put much thought in to that before but if you exchange the pully down at the hub whith one that is spring loded one way and has the corect diameter for each step in your trigger to align up whith the steps in the hub.
But it will probably shift worse and you would have to use a quite stiff spring so it would take twice the force to shift one of the ways.
Three years ago Rohloff was thinking about an electric actuator, but up to yet it isn't released. Rohloff is a very small company and they have enough to do with making the hub better, buildung the hub and this year they moved to a new building....
I just wish 'the' solution would just appear out of thin air. When you try to think of a way of having a rapidfire type system, it's enough to get a headache.
Three years ago Rohloff was thinking about an electric actuator, but up to yet it isn't released. Rohloff is a very small company and they have enough to do with making the hub better, buildung the hub and this year they moved to a new building....
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