
Ron Paul: Traitor to his country


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Wow, the righties are *petrified* of this guy. Read this WSJ article this morning and was appalled, and apparently it's spread throughout the interwebs at blistering speed. 1300+ comments on the article...

WSJ said:
He was speaking, it's hardly necessary to say, of a man who holds some noteworthy views in a candidate for the presidency of the United States. One who is the best-known of our homegrown propagandists for our chief enemies in the world. One who has made himself a leading spokesman for, and recycler of, the long and familiar litany of charges that point to the United States as a leading agent of evil and injustice, the militarist victimizer of millions who want only to live in peace.
I have to say, I relish the idea of a Ron Paul nomination on the Republican side. One, I'm fairly certain that he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the presidency, but if he's running to the *left* of Obama on foreign policy and military issues, it allows Obama to walk back and stake a far more moderate/liberal stance on those. Obama had to tack right to go up against John "Bomb bomb bomb Iran" McCain, but if he's running against a guy who's advocating cutting our military in half, Obama looks like the sane rational person by only cutting it by 1/4. Same with civil liberties, the Afghanistan war, etc.

All that being said, calling Ron Paul a traitor because he thinks that American foreign and military policy in the Middle East might have contributed to 9/11 is appalling.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
*shocking* someone who can threaten the right's status quo is being plastered with false information. Who would have guessed.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
I have to say Dante, I'm really glad to see you post this. The media bias against Ron Paul is sickening.

Though, I'd like to point out that Ron Paul is actually the only GOP candidate that beats Obama head to head. You just never hear about it because obviously Fox doesn't want anyone to know this, and CNN and MSNBC are perfectly content with Obama running against someone with no independent or liberal support like Romney or Gingrich.

Ron Paul vs Obama


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I have to say Dante, I'm really glad to see you post this. The media bias against Ron Paul is sickening.

Though, I'd like to point out that Ron Paul is actually the only GOP candidate that beats Obama head to head. You just never hear about it because obviously Fox doesn't want anyone to know this, and CNN and MSNBC are perfectly content with Obama running against someone with no independent or liberal support like Romney or Gingrich.

Ron Paul vs Obama
Uh..... you did *read* the site you linked to? It says that Paul wins *key demographics* (white voters, old people, etc), but if you click through to the CNN poll it states:

CNN said:
According to the poll, Obama leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 52%-45% in a possible 2012 showdown. Romney, who's making his second bid for the GOP nomination, held a 51%-47% margin over the president in last month's survey. Obama also holds the same 52%-45% advantage over Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. Last month the president had a 51%-47% margin over Paul, who's making his third run for the White House.
There's *no* way Ron Paul would win the general election. That over 65 vote is not going his way once the fact that he feels that Medicare and Social Security are unconstitutional starts getting more attention...

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Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
There's *no* way Ron Paul would win the general election. That over 65 vote is not going his way once the fact that he feels that Medicare and Social Security are unconstitutional starts getting more attention...

His plan would phase the programs out, not leave senior citizens without a check once he got into office. The over 65 crowd wouldn't see a cut in the benefits that they receive. I would fully expect the media to make a big deal out of this like they have with the silly racism accusation.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Why do you think social security and medicare ever came about in the first place?

Seriously, what do you genuinely think was the impetus for those programs?
They're all nice ideas, and if they government could get their act together and keep everyone from dipping their hand in the pot, then the system would likely work very well. Unfortunately, when government gets involved, cost goes way up.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I have to say Dante, I'm really glad to see you post this. The media bias against Ron Paul is sickening.

Though, I'd like to point out that Ron Paul is actually the only GOP candidate that beats Obama head to head. You just never hear about it because obviously Fox doesn't want anyone to know this, and CNN and MSNBC are perfectly content with Obama running against someone with no independent or liberal support like Romney or Gingrich.

Ron Paul vs Obama
Racist and/or stupid? I'm still waiting...


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
His plan would phase the programs out, not leave senior citizens without a check once he got into office. The over 65 crowd wouldn't see a cut in the benefits that they receive.
No, just all of us that have been and are still paying for it. You do understand that not only "seniors" get social security, right?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Racist and/or stupid? I'm still waiting...
Using a statistic that says 95% of black males in DC are considered criminal or semi-criminal to make a point about the unjustness towards blacks in the laws pertaining, most notably to the war on drugs does not make someone racist. It's funny how that turned into, "Ron Paul said 95% of black people are criminals."

Perhaps hearing from Nelson Linder, former head of the NAACP, that the writings were taken out of context and that he isn't racist will settle your concerns.

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Artisanal Tweet Curator
They're all nice ideas, and if they government could get their act together and keep everyone from dipping their hand in the pot, then the system would likely work very well. Unfortunately, when government gets involved, cost goes way up.
You really just don't know do you?

I mean it's okay....it's not your fault. But you just literally don't know.

What does competitive outsourcing mean to you? What it means to most people who have seen large segments of public agencies go to private contract bids is that quadrupling costs, mostly just in overhead is pretty much a given.

In fact there are so many things that the government does so much more cost effectively they'd spin your brain. I can list quite a few of them if you like.

You still didn't answer the question by the way.

They weren't formed because they were 'nice ideas.' Try again.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
In fact there are so many things that the government does so much more cost effectively they'd spin your brain. I can list quite a few of them if you like.
I don't know what you're talking about. Historically, private sector fire departments allowed various PRIVATE groups to compete for government contracts and lowered the cost (not to mention raising efficiency) to taxpayers...




Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Just like all those awesome prisons!
Or those low-cost military contractors...

According to data provided to the House panel, the average per-day pay to personnel Blackwater hired was $600. According to the schedule of rates, supplies and services attached to the contract, Blackwater charged Regency $1,075 a day for senior managers, $945 a day for middle managers and $815 a day for operators.
An unmarried sergeant given Iraq pay and relief from U.S. taxes makes about $83 to $85 a day, given time in service. A married sergeant with children makes about double that, $170 a day.
Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Baghdad overseeing more than 160,000 U.S. troops, makes roughly $180,000 a year, or about $493 a day. That comes out to less than half the fee charged by Blackwater for its senior manager of a 34-man security team.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Using a statistic that says 95% of black males in DC are considered criminal or semi-criminal to make a point about the unjustness towards blacks in the laws pertaining, most notably to the war on drugs does not make someone racist. It's funny how that turned into, "Ron Paul said 95% of black people are criminals."

Perhaps hearing from Nelson Linder, former head of the NAACP, that the writings were taken out of context and that he isn't racist will settle your concerns.
I'm glad you found a black that you could catch and had sound political opinions. They are so fleet of foot, you know, especially if they happen to have your purse.

Head of the NAACP, you say? You wouldn't be omitting something there to make him sound a little more important than he actually is, would you?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Head of the NAACP, you say? You wouldn't be omitting something there to make him sound a little more important than he actually is, would you?
local branch :D

But, the idea that he is racist is just absurd. Whether you like his politics or not, would you honestly think that he is racist if it weren't for some newsletters that were written under his name 20-30 years ago?

I guess I just don't see the relevance of someone else's words in his newsletter put out over 20 years ago as a significant measure of his character because I look at what my beliefs were just 5 years ago and see how much they have changed.

Anyways, **** racism. I'm just sick of the shame for something 'my people' did long before I was conceived. So, sorry if I'm exhausted of hearing about racism as if it's some terrible crime that I should retroactively feel sorry for something done by someone else a hundred years ago. It's not my battle, and not something that I relate to.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
But, the idea that he is racist is just absurd.
So then it's

B) Retard

Actually, he's from texas, we can certainly have both.

That newsletter was from 1992 (19 years ago). He defended it as late as 1996 (.......let's see......carry the 8 That's 15 years ago). If there's one thing I've learned it's that old white men certainly ease up on their racial leanings as they get older so yeah, you might be right.

Let me ask you this (at least answer this question). Do you know where that 85% statistic was quoted from?
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My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I'm exhausted of hearing about racism as if it's some terrible crime that I should retroactively feel sorry for something done by someone else a hundred years ago.
Retroactively? So it doesn't happen anymore, right? I can assure you it is alive and well, if only from anecdotal experiences. There are plenty of bigots & racists left in the World.

You know, like the majority of the Republican party.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
If there's one thing I've learned it's that old white men certainly ease up on their racial leanings as they get older so yeah, you might be right.
Are you retarded? Because you've clearly just labeled yourself a racist with that generalization.

Let me ask you this (at least answer this question). Do you know where that 85% statistic was quoted from?
educate me please


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Are you retarded? Because you've clearly just labeled yourself a racist with that generalization.
Oh yeah definitely. A joke goes that far over your head and I'm the retarded one. Speaking of shlt going over your head, where do you think silver got that 'fleet footed' quote from a few posts back? Let me guess.....first you heard of it.

educate me please
No small task indeed.

It came from the subject of this article.


That guy runs something called the American Renaissance, a shall we say not so sensitive institution when it comes to topics of race.

In an article in 1992, that claim that everyone is making such a big deal about with the 85% incarceration crap, first surfaced. Ron Paul (about which he first said his words were taken out of context, and NOW is saying was written by someone else) just copied it. Which means the dumbass was reading it AND found it valid enough to quote.

This page was up a few days ago......surprisingly, now it's not.


Look up Jared Taylor dude......seriously.

In the meantime also look a little deeper than your 'feelings' behind all this hooplah. It's justified and the more you try to defend it, the more you show just how little of the story you actually have.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Retroactively? So it doesn't happen anymore, right? I can assure you it is alive and well, if only from anecdotal experiences. There are plenty of bigots & racists left in the World.
Sure, but there are also a lot of people living today that were born before the civil rights movements.
There are also a lot of people that have nothing to do with racism, so to make an entire race of people feel guilty or sympathetic for something they didn't do is... uhh... racist.

If I look back at the things I have experienced in my life, and in my friends lives, the only racist things that I can recall are when a joke or saying refers to a particular race. Neither of which seem significant.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
There's another one on the heterosexual white male thinks homophobia, racism, and sexism not an issue pile.
This is beyond ridiculous. Me being indifferent to an issue because I HAVE NO RELATION TO IT is not the same as me not supporting equal rights for everyone.

To generalize:
Homophobes don't become architects.
Racists don't leap at the opportunity to study in a country where they are the minority.
and sexists don't date German women.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
It came from the subject of this article.


That guy runs something called the American Renaissance, a shall we say not so sensitive institution when it comes to topics of race.

In an article in 1992, that claim that everyone is making such a big deal about with the 85% incarceration crap, first surfaced. Ron Paul (about which he first said his words were taken out of context, and NOW is saying was written by someone else) just copied it. Which means the dumbass was reading it AND found it valid enough to quote.
I read "The New Jim Crow" a few months ago, a bleeding-heart book if ever one existed. It also cites similar figures. IIRC, the quote was that 75% of adult black men in some DC wards are felons, on parole, or are currently incarcerated.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Oh yeah definitely. A joke goes that far over your head and I'm the retarded one.
Are you serious? You make a sarcastic comment that stereotyped old white people and I replied with a sarcastic remark calling you out on your racism. Now you can't even comprehend the idea that someone responded in the same manner as yourself.

Speaking of shlt going over your head, where do you think silver got that 'fleet footed' quote from a few posts back? Let me guess.....first you heard of it.

No small task indeed.

It came from the subject of this article.


That guy runs something called the American Renaissance, a shall we say not so sensitive institution when it comes to topics of race.

In an article in 1992, that claim that everyone is making such a big deal about with the 85% incarceration crap, first surfaced. Ron Paul (about which he first said his words were taken out of context, and NOW is saying was written by someone else) just copied it. Which means the dumbass was reading it AND found it valid enough to quote.

This page was up a few days ago......surprisingly, now it's not.


Look up Jared Taylor dude......seriously.

In the meantime also look a little deeper than your 'feelings' behind all this hooplah. It's justified and the more you try to defend it, the more you show just how little of the story you actually have.
I was looking for something more along the lines of the actual newsletter, not a news story about it. I've read plenty of news stories about it, all of which have a positive or negative agenda depending on the writer. So far I haven't been able to find the actual newsletter though. I appreciate the articles though. I didn't know who Jared Taylor was. Needlessly to say, he doesn't sound too p.c.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
So what you're saying is that you're highly qualified to have a strong opinion on whether or not what Ron Paul says can be construed as racially charged.
I think you can look at what he says... and what is backed up with multiple video clips of him actually speaking... saying that he supports individual liberties and is against the war on drugs, which DOES have a disproportionate effect on black males.


Alleged Illegal Searches by NYPD May Be Increasing Marijuana Arrests

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