
Ronald McDonald is my friend :)


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Are you huggin Ronald because you're weird or because you feel sorry for him being attached to that bench from his junk region. And don't ask me what i'm doin checking out Ronald McDonalds junk.......


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Skookum said:
Are you huggin Ronald because you're weird or because you feel sorry for him being attached to that bench from his junk region. And don't ask me what i'm doin checking out Ronald McDonalds junk.......
all of the above?


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
DßR said:
What about that dude behind you? He doesn't look like he's happy with his lot in life. Probably because he has to eat his lunch at fricking WAL-MART.

Perhaps you should introduce him to your "friend."

I think my friend is why he's depressed. He's probably thinking about if he has enough time to get home before his McD's comes out the other end.......:eek:

And on the note of eating lunch at a Wal Mart, there is a freakin EYE DOCTOR in the wal mart! Who the hell would go to a doctor in a walmart?!?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
wow. ronald is hardcore. does he carry that bench around with him attached to the piercing in his junk with that chain?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
DßR said:
What about that dude behind you? He doesn't look like he's happy with his lot in life.
Would you be happy? After Mayberry RFD and Three's Company went off the air, he's been stuck making cheesy appearances on Carol Burnett's former show and Tim Conway's god-awful Dorf videos. Plus, he'e been getting screwed on royalties from "The Apple Dumpling Gang".

"I got a right to be hostile, my people's bein' fvckin' persecuted!"


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
SkaredShtles said:
No kidding. 1994 called and they want their goatee back...... :think:


Hey! My girlfriend was reading this and she likes my goatee!

Shes the one that counts, not a bunch of weird people online that waste all their time on an internet forum.

oh wait...........:think:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
BigMike said:
Hey! My girlfriend was reading this and she likes my goatee!

Shes the one that counts, not a bunch of weird people online that waste all their time on an internet forum.

oh wait...........:think:
Have you seen Shuttle's picture? He's got hippie hair down to his asscrack, so he is not allowed to comment on other people's body hair. :p


I Are Baboon said:
Have you seen Shuttle's picture? He's got hippie hair down to his asscrack, so he is not allowed to comment on other people's body hair. :p
Let's not forget the neon or the bar ends. :think:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
golgiaparatus said:
We have one of those here. God its spooky.

Only One?!

In Richmond, VA, we have 5 WalMart Supercenters within 10 miles. There are 10 Walmart Supercenters within 25 miles. Linky

All of them have McDonalds in them..........:dead:

EDIT: Let me correct myself, one of them is not a Super Center and does not have a McD's in it. So thats 4 within 10 miles. still a f***load!

dh girlie

MtnbikeMike said:
I find it funny that so many people are noticing Ronald's junk :p
no kidding!!! I had to go back to see what someone was talking about when they said something about loose change falling out Ronalds ass...I don't like Ronald.

There is this tattoo artist that was doing my friends tat...and I was waiting for em, and I was looking through the artists book...and he had a pic of a tattoo of Ronald McDonald...like old skool ronald. He had burgers, fries and shakes and those old skool 60's style cross lookin stars floating around his head. It was done very well and it has to be the MOST original tattoo I've ever seen. Turns out the guy with the tat has a problem with NEW ronald, so he immortalized old skool ronald on his arm!


dh girlie said:
<snip>Turns out the guy with the tat has a problem with NEW ronald, so he immortalized old skool ronald on his arm!
That's stupid.


dh girlie said:
It was hysterical...better than that tribal art crap or a Raiders emblem...
True dat. I saw a commercial with that cat running around looking stupid the other day. No idea who he is, but he looked like a fool. I just don't want any tatoos.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I Are Baboon said:
Have you seen Shuttle's picture? He's got hippie hair down to his asscrack, so he is not allowed to comment on other people's body hair. :p
Hey! That's because long hair is the easiest to deal with........ :eviltongu

Besides, I live in Colorado. We're all caught in a time-warp out here.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Wow...you sound like a complete dork! YOU were baggin on that dude over his goatee and you have 80's hayer?
My hair could be from the late 60's/early 70's as easily as the 80's. It's a timeless style........ :rolleyes: :o:

I *am* a complete dork. It's that on-the-job experience that allows me to identify fellow dorks. :p



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
llkoolkeg said:
From the look of that dude's eyes, Ronnie may be surreptitiously slipping him the pommel horn! :eek:

Then I'm glad I didnt sit in his lap, just next to him!

So why all the hate toward the Goatee?

and all this talk about McD's is making me want to clog my arteries with greasy nasty food. I'm hungry.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
BigMike said:
Then I'm glad I didnt sit in his lap, just next to him!

So why all the hate toward the Goatee?
It's not hate. It's just awfully 1995. Of course, I suppose it *could* be back in style again and I wouldn't know it....... :think:

I sported a "flavor saver" for awhile in 2002. About 5 years late. :p



dh girlie said:
What cat running aroung...you're making no sense...AGAIN.

It's funny that this guy that does incredible tattoo work is always being asked to do raider emblems. :rolleyes:
Cat = the dude in the Ronald suit, dummy.

*edit - there is some home repair dude with a laundry van with Raiders crap all over it. I always want to take pics so Brian can see how the rest of the fans live.