

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I like how the post opens with the description of his race and sexual orientation as if that has even the slightest bearing on his personality or actions :rolleyes:

You made the assumption that all gay guys are clean? Seriously, pull your head out of your ass.

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
I like how the post opens with the description of his race and sexual orientation as if that has even the slightest bearing on his personality or actions :rolleyes:

You made the assumption that all gay guys are clean? Seriously, pull your head out of your ass.
Yeah, I wrongfully judged him on a stereotype.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am very confident I am not gay, even if I was, I would never go after him.

Oh, Wait, Did Sanjuro break up with his bf? They would be perfect for each other.

Why don't you post your address so I can firebomb the place. You move back home, problem solved.

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
Yeah I wish, My mom completely redid my room. She turned it into a crafts room. She framed in a new cabinet system/ sewing system. Looks cool.


Oct 17, 2002
Yeah I wish, My mom completely redid my room. She turned it into a crafts room. She framed in a new cabinet system/ sewing system. Looks cool.
Imagine how awesome the whole house would've looked had you not been born.

(That always seems to be the statement parents imply when they quickly redecorate)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Buy a steak. Go to the public market. Seek out where the live chickens are. Buy an empty cage. Take the steak and rub it all over the inside of the cage. Wrap the steak back up and wait until he eats it. Tell him what you did after he is done.

A sure fire way to get him to move out is to run around the block until you have a full on sweat. Strip down to your underwear and jump on to his bed while he sleeps. Take a big knife and pretend your picking your teeth clean with it for good measure. Throw some chicken bones on his bed as you run out of his room insanely cackling. It may take a few times before he gets the message.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Red Rabbit:

Although you are likely nearly 20 years younger than me, I offer this advise....get your own place away from the "college party area of town". I had a roommate that, while a great person, was a pig. I couldn't live with the guy. It was apparent that we had different upbringings (common), but once I got my own place I found that could really focus on school, studying, etc. I consider it one of the best things that I have done for myself. Consider a studio apt.

Just a thought...


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
I don't see why this is such an issue. Move out it's that easy. Leases are easy fight and get out of. The last two that I broke took no money out of my pocket and no lawyers. Just move out.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I don't see why this is such an issue. Move out it's that easy. Leases are easy fight and get out of. The last two that I broke took no money out of my pocket and no lawyers. Just move out.
Obligation schlobligation. Just bumble through life as you see fit, and instead of dealing with difficult situations, just walk away.

Friggin dumb ass kids. :bonk:


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
I wouldn't call a 25 year old CPA a dumb ass kid. When I was in college and broke my leases it's not that big of deal. You just need to know how lease laws work and how to beat them. Even if they want to fight you over a lease the most they can collect from you is 2 months of back rent. That can't be too bad to shovel over out of your pocket. The laws believe that they can only collect for damages and damages can only be incurred if they don't rent the place. If they can't rent the place in 2 months after move out then the law says it's the loss of the Apartment Complex. Not the tenant. Tenant only has to pay 2 months

If the place is rented a day. Then all you have to pay is for a day of rent. They have to prove damages.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
you might be able to file sexual harassment charges or something...if he's actually masturbating on the couch and not in private...you don't need to be exposed the that and there are probably laws to prevent it. You could use that to get the landlord to break the lease and move out. A lot of times it's very easy to move out and break the lease...unless you have a cosigner or something.

It is really, really hard to evict somebody, so you're better off moving out. Unfortunately, issues like soap n **** can't be resolved under the law, unless you can video tape him stealing then bust him for petty larceny or whatever.

Step one is to talk to the kid and ask if he can stop or move out. Step two is to talk this over with the landlord and ask if you can be released from the lease. Step three is to pursue legal action be it by getting him out or you out. Step four is to suck it up or harass him until he moves out.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
If you sign an agreement, be a man and live up to it or make arrangements with the complex to get out of it. Don't be a pvssy and run away because a dirty gay black man scares you.

Friggin dumb ass CPA kids :bonk:


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
Why don't you tell him that. He is the one complaining about the situation I am telling him how to fix it. I don't have gay black men living in my house that jerk off on my furniture.


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
I could really care less I'm just telling him how to fix it and the easiest resort to get out of the situation. What's wrong with taking the easy route sometimes? If there is an easier way to do something why do it the hard way? The KISS principle.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
So if I impregnate some bar hag this weekend I should:

A) Deny everything and move to Nebraska

B) Toss her a couple hundie and/or a coat hanger

C) Push her down a flight of stairs, thus taking care of the "problem"

D) All of the above


Oct 18, 2006
Englewood, CO
Being a man and meeting an obligation will probably end up costing him more than to just walk away from the situation. He might be less of a man to you, or a pvssy, as you put it, but I don't think he cares to highly about that. So you're telling me if he just moves out of the house and breaks his obligation that he is less of a man than you are? That my friend sounds a little childish to me.