
Rosaryville 5-29-06


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yet another Memorial day ride. Here's a short report for a short ride. Enjoy!

In honor of Memorial Day I decided to take a half day off from work and go ride Rosaryville State Park near Upper Marlboro, MD with my wife. Rosaryville is a 10 mile loop of really buff / fast multi-use single track with a few little surprises thrown in. We rode one counterclockwise loop before we decided that we haven't become acclimatized to the heat yet. It felt like it was in the upper 90's. I'm sure it was only in the 80's but the humidity was a killer. What happened to those weeks and weeks of temperatures in the low 70's?

The track is in great condition. There are a few marginally wet spots. Nothing to worry about now but it will probably get worse as summer thunderstorms become more frequent. Lots of encroaching flora. It might be time to take a lap with some pruners.

I got a new rear derailleur and with no drive train issues, I had no excuses not to ride the elevated log ride. What a blast! I was 2 for 2. The first one I came in a little nose heavy and the second one was a perfect trials-like rear wheel landing, just as gentle as could be.

I had my wife snap a few pictures (please excuse the lack of mad-foto skillz). This is one of the first ttf's (other than a few log pyramids) in the park. A new dedicated MTB loop is currently being constructed that is supposed to be more freeride oriented. If this log ride is any indication of things to come, it should be a great place to ride.





Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
cool shots. if you have a digital cam, you gotta check to see if you can do the rapid fire photo snaps. it looks like your wife took the pics pretty quick. however, the camera i have has a mode that snaps them so fast it looks like an animated slide show. it only does about a half dozen in a row. check some of the threads i have posted in the ride report for a sample.

nice log.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
These are rapid fire. I have an old camera. It only lets me take 3 at a time. :( Pretty crappy, huh?

As for the blurriness, I should have set it to shutter priority before handing it too my wife, but we were just messing around and I didn't bother. I thought there would be plenty of light to get a high enough shutter speed but I was wrong!