from da bahstan globe
ok, so we're winning a war in which we can't even judge or own progress (or lack thereof)...? i commend rumsfield for taking a short breather from beating his war-stick with the comments on education, but unless this u.s. education effort is tantamount to brainwashing how can we change the overwhelmingly negative impression of the u.s.? magic?Rumsfeld [...] portrayed the US counterterrorism effort as a global operation that has been largely successful, while conceding that ''it's almost impossible to have metrics" that determine whether Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups are being drained of support around the world.
The United States, in large part because of the war in Iraq, continues to get pilloried on a daily basis in the Arab press and polls show that a majority of the Middle East sees the US in a negative light.
What we have seen is so much emphasis on hard power that we have helped create more recruits for Osama bin Laden," [Joseph] Nye, now a professor of government at Harvard University, said in an interview yesterday.
The United States and its allies have to ''make sure that the effort is directed at the problems -- plural, not a single problem," Rumsfeld said. ''I know there's an effort to cut off funding to the more radical madrassa schools and to convert a number of those schools, for example in Pakistan, to schools that teach things that are useful to a life, such as languages and mathematics and science."