
running a mail server


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I run kind of a half-assed server out of my office. It's used mainly for smaller projects that we can't get out IT department to help out with.

On of the things we use the server for is to run a very small message board system (vbulletin). It's working well for us to this point, but I've had to turn off some of the features because I don't currently run a mail server.

I'd like to setup a mail server, basically to support the message boards. But I have no idea what is entailled. My big concern is viruses and disk space. Keep in mind, I'm doing this half-assed... can it be run on the same box as the message boards, or should it have a dedicated machine? How big of an issue are viruses from a server standpoint (as opposed to the client end)? I do have 2 firewalls running, but I have no idea what to expect from the addition of e-mail.

Finally - any recommendations on which server software to run?

Any help/tips would be appreciated.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
run postfix. don't use a windows box and you can safely forget virus issues (but then run the risk of being rooted, so make sure that firewall works well).