must be obama's fault.
Can we get Syadasti in here to tell us if this is ironic or not?gucci bags for sale
Thanks teabaggers....S&P said:We lowered our long-term rating on the U.S. because we believe that the prolonged controversy over raising the statutory debt ceiling and the related fiscal policy debate indicate that further near-term progress containing the growth in public spending, especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process.
WSJ said:The firm's conclusion "was pretty much motivated by all of the debate about the raising of the debt ceiling," John Chambers, chairman of S&P's sovereign ratings committee, said in an interview. "It involved a level of brinksmanship greater than what we had expected earlier in the year."
Not goes further back than this, there has always been debate and "brinkmanship"..Thanks teabaggers....
They just make it more WWE-esque, that's all."The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." Senator Obama 2006
July 2010 interviewThis is going to be a choice between the policies that got us into this mess and my policies that are getting us out of this mess. And I think if you look at the vast majority of Americans, even those who are dissatisfied with the pace of progress, theyll say that the policies that got us into this mess we cant go back to What Im prepared is to be held accountable for the policies that Ive put in place. But they Americans dont have selective memory. Theyre gonna remember the policies that got us into this mess as well. And they sure as heck dont wanna go back to those.
Who said it's too far gone to blame Bush?To this week, when it was decided that it's too far gone to blame Bush, this:
White House Blames Japanese Tsunami for Economy
So on that theory, then Clinton should blame Reagan for the robust economy under his Presidency.
Preaching (mostly) to the choir. Those that don't agree will need more than a reasoned and well-thought-out argument to change their mind...WAKE THE F UP AMERICANS, the GOP doesn't care about you, your financial troubles, or your health, they care about ONE thing and ONE thing ONLY, to get a republican president into office.
It's not just uncertainty. It's certainty that the economy is pretty ****ty, not only here but throughout southern Europe.I think uncertainty is causing investors and corporations to hold on to their cash, causing a crappy stock market and not hiring. this debt ceiling bull-sht, cemented this uncertainty. so thank you Tea Baggers and GOP douchers.
In 2007 the unemplyoment rate was 4.6%, and it's now "theoretically" down to 9.1%, or 4.5% difference. Your chart shows a change from 63% employed down to 58% employed, or ~5% difference. Unless I'm missing something?It's not just uncertainty. It's certainty that the economy is pretty ****ty, not only here but throughout southern Europe.
As I posted over on Google+, the employment to population ratio reveals that headline unemployment numbers are bunk:
make money.any theories as to:
- what has to happen to get our AAA back
- how long that should/will take
- who has expressed a clear plan to attain this
I am guessing knee pads are in order. Too bad they are killing off the congressional page program, they would be good for that.any theories as to:
- what has to happen to get our AAA back
- how long that should/will take
- who has expressed a clear plan to attain this
The issue here is if you are a "professional" and have been eliminated with little or no real skill, many will not find work in that field because people with ACTUAL experience already has it.many employers was listing in their want ads that a job applicant must be currently employed or have been employed in the last 3 months.
to cover their asses against discriminatory lawsuits, many have started leaving that out, but the practice is rampant amongst recruiters and hiring directors.
this f-in' gets me fired up!
I don't know about you, but I'm loving my vacation. That being said though, I'm getting a really good monthly clip. It's kind of hard to find a job that actually brings in more than I currently am in doing nothing, to justify changing that plan.But it was my ability to adapt that kept me off the black list of folks who are considered unemployable because they simply don't have a job.
I am all for holding out for the job you want, but there is nothing wrong with doing SOMETHING other than celebrate your status as a land baron in Farmville like others I know.
Couldn't agree more.The issue here is if you are a "professional" and have been eliminated with little or no real skill, many will not find work in that field because people with ACTUAL experience already has it.
In 2001 when IT took a sh!t, I spent 6 months unemployed, then took a job driving a tow truck (I am a software engineer). Not only did it keep me from being labeled "unemployed", but I made more than I did on unemployment AND had medical for me and my family.
In less than a year the market leveled off and hiring started to come back. But it was my ability to adapt that kept me off the black list of folks who are considered unemployable because they simply don't have a job.
I am all for holding out for the job you want, but there is nothing wrong with doing SOMETHING other than celebrate your status as a land baron in Farmville like others I know.