
S Seatac Tuesday


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
I will be riding down there tomorrow night after work. I'll be there by around 5:00. So, all you fellow weekend clinic folks that want to stay up on your newly acquired skills, come on out!

See y'all tomorrow!
Tom :dancing: :stupid:


Turbo Monkey
Wish I could say I'd be out there rippin'...no bike still.

BUT, I am going out there early-ish to tweak the very end of the far right line - next to the road.
You'll just have to go there to find out what kind of tweakage (if it goes like I hope it does at least).;)

Fire Rider

Sep 15, 2004
Kent "Upper E. side"
Hey, Megan guess who is back..... Me! I can't make it to SST on Thurs. Call my better half I think she'll go. Also I hope you like riding SST, it's my second home. I will see you this weekend right?

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
Fire Rider said:
Hey, Megan guess who is back..... Me! ?
uh oh....

Fire Rider said:
I can't make it to SST on Thurs.
good, i won't be there either, i'm going today ;)

Fire Rider said:
Call my better half I think she'll go. Also I hope you like riding SST, it's my second home. I will see you this weekend right?
thanks for letting me stomp around in your house! yup, i'll be there later friday night.

awww, that's nice of you to let wifey come out and play!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
hey, I just wanted to give a shout out to Bikeguy100K, thanks for yelling at me on the trails last night :)

and it was awesome meeting the Mutoli's thanks for your help too! By the way, I'm thinking I'll try to go tomorrow too, you up for that, MUTOLI?

Now, the other thing I need to work on less blabbing and more riding ;)


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
Megan Black said:
hey, I just wanted to give a shout out to Bikeguy100K, thanks for yelling at me on the trails last night :)

and it was awesome meeting the Mutoli's thanks for your help too! By the way, I'm thinking I'll try to go tomorrow too, you up for that, MUTOLI?

Now, the other thing I need to work on less blabbing and more riding ;)
It was my pleasure to yell at you! :D We both did quite a bit of blabbing because there were so many freakin people there last night!

I'll post next time I'm heading down that way!

If you remember only one thing: Go Faster! :dancing:
bikeguy100k said:
It was my pleasure to yell at you! :D We both did quite a bit of blabbing because there were so many freakin people there last night!

I'll post next time I'm heading down that way!

If you remember only one thing: Go Faster! :dancing:

there was no one there today, free rain of the place! Hit up that gap at the end of the trail..good times! :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
there was no one there today, free rain of the place! Hit up that gap at the end of the trail..good times! :thumb:
Way to go, Cory!:D

I got out there about 2pm'ish myself - borrowed friends bike to give the poor roadster a break. :stosh:

Look for some changes on the far bottom right.:) Things are still in the infantile stages w/ that section, but I DO want people to track things down.
DBR X6 RIDER said:
Way to go, Cory!:D

I got out there about 2pm'ish myself - borrowed friends bike to give the poor roadster a break. :stosh:

Look for some changes on the far bottom right.:) Things are still in the infantile stages w/ that section, but I DO want people to track things down.

track things down?..Im confused?

but yea, Ill check out the right line next time Im out...which will be soon. :D