
Sad for America


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
^^^ an isolated nutjob (like lho) or lib implant/troll

either way...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

I dont stand for one party or another, what i stand for has much more power than any one person could have! I stand for what God stands for and what he thinks is important is important! I dont support abortion, or gay ‘rights’, ITS WRONG! END OF DISCUSSION! I do however stand for the war.
So she stands only for what God stands for, and war. Awesome.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
u do realize of course, that u liberals have your own brands of teh jeebus u rabidly worship..

glass house/stones et al..



Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
There's a pasty faced chubby 24 year old at talking about how Obama's a terrorist and "How many other presidents have been assassinated?".

I talked to him for a couple minutes on what a great day this is for America, and his clueless little brain could absorb none of it.

I left work so pissed off and had a ****ty ride home, especially after almost getting Tboned by a dumbass in a BMW. (That's a whole other thread...)

Tomorrow I sit youngster down and tell him what's up regarding spitting ignorance around me. I hope he will be quiet after that.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA

The point is the elecorate chose the best of two options for a change. Seriously........it's been a while. Even incremental progress trumps the assinine pandering we were potentially facing.

8 years of misrule nearly became 12 of the same religious, skewed ruthless capitalisitic, warhawk zealotry. That's still a very good thing.
Of course.

Big issues that aren't going to be addressed:

Size of the military/empire
Support for the House of Saud and other nasty rulers
Single payer healthcare

I'm hoping that Obama may be the first president since WW2 who I wouldn't consider a war criminal under the Nuremberg criteria. I think there is about a 1% chance of that happening, however.

It speaks volumes about fundamental issues facing the United States when you can't be an effective leader of the country without committing crimes against humanity...


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
i hear you transend, the first thing i heard this morning when i got to work is, the country is doomed, terrorist are going to take over, all of our money is going to disappear and all of our jobs are going to disappear. i ignored them, but then i got a pretty offensive e-mail from one of our engineers called "how to annoy a liberal" it was filled with different ways of how to annoy liberals, but the only way it was annoying was how ignorant the things were that were in the e-mail. things like "annoy a liberal, support our troops" or "if they can call bush a nazi, then obama is a muslem". but the support our troops one really got under my skin. but i'm letting this one slid, if i get another one, i'm probably going to forward all the e-mails he's sent out that are anti liberal, to the hr person, and maybe the president of the company.

oh yeah, and this same guy has 4 pictures hanging up out side his office, one of a fat lady singing, then a pig flying, then hell frozen over, then obama as president. pretty stupid ****


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
How many engineers do you know?

Most of them are like prison inmates...homosexual due to necessity and not orientation.
so wait - you're telling me i'm not a fag?

you may have saved me a bundle at my local Focus Aversion Therapy outlet


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
i hear you transend, the first thing i heard this morning when i got to work is, the country is doomed, terrorist are going to take over, all of our money is going to disappear and all of our jobs are going to disappear. i ignored them, but then i got a pretty offensive e-mail from one of our engineers called "how to annoy a liberal" it was filled with different ways of how to annoy liberals, but the only way it was annoying was how ignorant the things were that were in the e-mail. things like "annoy a liberal, support our troops" or "if they can call bush a nazi, then obama is a muslem". but the support our troops one really got under my skin. but i'm letting this one slid, if i get another one, i'm probably going to forward all the e-mails he's sent out that are anti liberal, to the hr person, and maybe the president of the company.

oh yeah, and this same guy has 4 pictures hanging up out side his office, one of a fat lady singing, then a pig flying, then hell frozen over, then obama as president. pretty stupid ****
depending on the size of your company and effectiveness of your HR dept, you've already got enough to get him seriously reprimanded, if not canned.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I just got a forwarded text message from an old friend that said:

"What do Obama and JFK have in common?"

"Nothing yet"