
Safari vs Firefox


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
BigMike said:
OK, i'll bite. What CAN we do when a page won't load? (if you say download the page source and go through the code for the error i'm gonna :nuts: you :D)
You email "webmaster@<domain.in.question>" and if you're lucky they send a terse reply telling you to piss up a pole if you don't use IE. :D


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BV is right about browsers.

I use Firefox whenever I can, but at work I have to use IE occasionally due to the asp stuff I deal with, which Firefox 1.0.6 does not support. I doubt 1.5 will support it either. Hopefully one day they will and I can get shot of IE once and for all.

Have you guys added that code to the Chrome file in FF? Makes the already decent pop-up blocker almost 100% perfect.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Changleen said:
BV is right about browsers.

I use Firefox whenever I can, but at work I have to use IE occasionally due to the asp stuff I deal with, which Firefox 1.0.6 does not support. I doubt 1.5 will support it either. Hopefully one day they will and I can get shot of IE once and for all.


MS Sharepoint does not play well w/ FF.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
binary visions said:
The answer is try another web browser... only most people don't know they can.
The response most people will give to this is; "But AOL is my browser?!?" with a vacuous stare on their faces.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
binary visions said:
From a technical perspective, this is correct.

From a usability standpoint, it's wrong wrong wrong.

What's better, an MP3 player that will reject your MP3 because there are corruptions in the file, or an MP3 player with some fault tolerance that will still play your file despite minor glitches?

The answer is that the second player is better. Period. From a technical standpoint, the first player is rejecting the incorrect file for valid reasons, but the end user shouldn't have to suffer because of it. I'm a little astounded that this is a defended flaw, actually - this is what the world would be like if engineers ran everything. Anything not to spec would be immediately rejected out of hand :rolleyes:. Normal people don't care if the page is scripted perfectly, they just care about the end result.

It does make it an excellent benchmark to determine if your page is compliant, though.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Normal people don't care, the people who create the content that the browser needs to display, do care. Very much so. Having all browsers as compliant and efficient as safari woudl save many of us multiple hours of headaches.

Edit: this is comparing to internet exploder - which renders perfectly written code...wrong.

I have never had a page render differently in FF than in Safari when the page was coded properly, or even somewhat decently. Last week i did something weird and had a JS script interfering with my divs and all hell broke loose, that wa sa special case tho.

If you code properly, then you don't need to worry anyways. So....write standards compliant code and it won't be a problem.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Transcend said:
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Normal people don't care, the people who create the content that the browser needs to display, do care. Very much so. Having all browsers as compliant and efficient as safari woudl save many of us multiple hours of headaches.

Edit: this is comparing to internet exploder - which renders perfectly written code...wrong.
Um, I never excused a browser rendering proper code incorrectly. What I said was, that too little fault tolerance is a design flaw. If there are complaints that pages are not displaying on the browser, yet Firefox will display them, then that is a design flaw.

How can you say that normal people don't care? If someone wants to view a website and it doesn't display, then they care. The user doesn't give two craps about your twenty six hours you spent writing the perfect CSS, they just want the content. Most of them don't even care if it displays in the right font or the right colors, as long as it's cohesive and understandable.

That's the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard, eh? You must not get out much.