
Said it before, I'll say it again....


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
.....cell service in Canada SUCKS ASS!!!!

We are a maddeningly docile bunch.


iPhone expected to spark wireless data sticker shock
Small print, unexpected charges can lead to huge bills, unhappy users

Gillian Shaw, Canwest News Service
Published: 2 hours ago

The imminent arrival of the iPhone in Canada has unleashed a storm of controversy over the country's high wireless data rates and left consumers bewildered by an array of offerings that - if misunderstood - could leave them with a monthly phone bill higher than the cost of a house in Saskatchewan.

In fact, Alberta oil field worker Piotr Staniaszek probably could have picked up a couple of properties in some parts of the country for a bill that reached almost $60,000 one month, climbing to a total of $85,000 by the next.