
Salami - Sausage Thread


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
so which one is your favorite and you cant stop eat it.. and put pics if you can

my favorite is this:


made only in Croatia and only in one part of Croatia (slavonia) no where in whole world you cant see or try it, hand made only some companyes tryed to make by machine and final product is pure **** believe me i try all..

very expensive but sooooo good its not like normal salami every one is unique and every maker who makes them put something secret in every one so you cant find out what is it..


it must be from swine intestine and put in some smoky room and process can laste for year just for one

final product



Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Dude...that is some seriously good looking salami!
We get loads of dry meats, cured meats and 'saucissons' (salami to you) here in Morzine. My favourite would be the wild boar & hazelnuts or venison & blueberry. You can walk into one of the many shops here and choose from so many different dried meats and saucisson hanging up. So good....

Shop smells a bit though...:brow: