
Sam Blenkinsop leaves Yeti Cycles

Santa Maria

Aug 29, 2007

Check that one out, now I heard a rumour a good while ago that BOS really wanted Minnaar...like really wanted him and where willing to stump up the cash to get him too, the other part of that rumour is that because of the Vouilloz/Lapierre/BOS connection well you can fisure it out, BOS/Lapierre/Minnaar was very possible. Now putting Blinky in there would be a pretty succesful/strange mix, the French management at Lapierre, is well, very French. Blenkinsop/Minnaar/Frogs?

Silly season it is!
Minaar and Lapierre is new for me. Rumors are flying that Blenkinsop and Camelini will ride for lapierre....


Aug 31, 2008
Look Mr Graves - I dunno who you are or why you think you'd know more than some douche who watched a 4 second film snippet from the other side of the world, but you're wrong. JCL has already explained that Blinky is a bad person, citing the extraordinary evidence that he has gathered and pieced together. Who are you to argue with JCL?
The camera never lies :D


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
It astounds me sometimes how this site can not resemble a collection of intelligent bike-oriented people, and instead be a sloppy pile of farting twats, belching for the enjoyment of thier own smell.


Look, use your brains. Graves is winning. Gwin is the new Hope for the US, and is doing quite well. More then likely, they both wanted a pay raise, and Yeti had to pony up or lose them to other companies. WC riders are pricey, when you put it in context with sales.

I am fairly sure it just came down to numbers, not whether Blinky snubbed Gwin/ Kicked a cat/ tore the tags off pillows/ heiled hitler.

Maybe we should rebrand RM to stitch n' bitch? :D


Mar 30, 2009
I am fairly sure it just came down to numbers, not whether Blinky snubbed Gwin/ Kicked a cat/ tore the tags off pillows/ heiled hitler.

Maybe we should rebrand RM to stitch n' bitch? :D
Blenkinsop tore tags off pillows? Wait a minute.

Did he also remove tags from mattresses? 'Cuz that's just evil.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
This just in: Blinky is going to Evil!

On a serious note, Jared stated something earlier that I was wondering about and that is the fact that Sam may not have known that Gwin was even in the hot seat. I obviously have not MTB WC experience but I know that in skiing on the WC level athletes often have no idea who is in the lead, team mates or not. It depends on how the athlet chooses to prep for his race run..some don't want to hear any info at all.

Funny; the season hang over is rough. People get pretty punchy and will argue about anything as the riding options dwindle.
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Jun 9, 2006
wow just saw the press release on another site...Congrats to Blanky.

I hope he does well under the Harley Davidson banner:thumb:

Dylan Dean

Oct 12, 2007
southern California
christ... this forum... no wonder i rarely come in here anymore.

not to bring the subject back to life, but regarding blinky's "bad form" to gwin... are you kidding me? they get along fine. i'm sure he was pumped that Gwinny did so well (and expected him to do so). From what Jared said about Blinky not knowing that Gwin was in the hotseat.. i'm positive he didn't know. i was standing about 5 feet from gwin when it happened. I watched sam ride across the finish line in disgust with his head down.. you could tell he was pissed at something (at that time i don't think i knew what from), but he had his head down for the most part from the finish line until he left the area. not once did he look directly at Gwin. if he had happened to look in that general direction, i'm sure it was tunnel vision looking for the exit.
you can't say that you've never been so focused... so pissed that all you're concerned about is ONE THING & you don't pay attention to anything else.
you guys read waaaaaaaay too much into things just "watching freecaster"


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2004
just Santa Cruz...
^^ I get a consistent kick out of this kind of knee-jerk reaction

I'm not picking on you in particular DD, just in reading what you posted I think of all the times I read a post from somebody who probably hasn't read more than the cliffnotes of a thread, then makes a comment like "this forum is not what it used to be".

Yes it is what it used to be. E speculation supreme. Maybe you just don't like anymore. And that's fine.



Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
christ... this forum... no wonder i rarely come in here anymore.

not to bring the subject back to life, but regarding blinky's "bad form" to gwin... are you kidding me? they get along fine. i'm sure he was pumped that Gwinny did so well (and expected him to do so). From what Jared said about Blinky not knowing that Gwin was in the hotseat.. i'm positive he didn't know. i was standing about 5 feet from gwin when it happened. I watched sam ride across the finish line in disgust with his head down.. you could tell he was pissed at something (at that time i don't think i knew what from), but he had his head down for the most part from the finish line until he left the area. not once did he look directly at Gwin. if he had happened to look in that general direction, i'm sure it was tunnel vision looking for the exit.
you can't say that you've never been so focused... so pissed that all you're concerned about is ONE THING & you don't pay attention to anything else.
you guys read waaaaaaaay too much into things just "watching freecaster"
This is not the DDD I know. Owning a bike shop putting you on the edge these days? I'll buy something if it will bring back the warm and bubbly boy we all know and love. But I gotta have 32.7% off EP and free overnight shipping with and a shop jersey!


May 4, 2005
To be able to have Nico on sight at World Cups is going to be awesome for Sam, especially when it comes to consistency from round to round.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
Yup. And me knowing in advance lost it's luster. If only there was a cash prize for firsties online, I'd have a dime...:p
lol you're a good guy and all Butch, but next time just quit when you're ahead :rofl:

at least this place is still good for a daily knee-slapping laugh if nothing else.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
I sure an glad this was released, I was afraid I wouldn't have a merry christmas if I didn't know who Sam was going to ride for in 2010


intrigued by a pole
May 14, 2007
Jersey Shore
Good for him, I wanna see what Sam can do under the direction of Nico. Sounds like Sam can learn a lot from Nico(or any young WC rider for that matter).

Also kinda interesting they picked up another Junior Brit DHer (Sam Flockhart) after Danny Hart left(or got dumped, whatever happened?)..
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Jun 16, 2008
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

Check that one out, now I heard a rumour a good while ago that BOS really wanted Minnaar...like really wanted him and where willing to stump up the cash to get him too, the other part of that rumour is that because of the Vouilloz/Lapierre/BOS connection well you can fisure it out, BOS/Lapierre/Minnaar was very possible. Now putting Blinky in there would be a pretty succesful/strange mix, the French management at Lapierre, is well, very French. Blenkinsop/Minnaar/Frogs?

Silly season it is!
Minnaar world be an unlikely addition to Lapierre seeing as he got his new Santa Cruz bikes a while back.
Dec 7, 2009
Cloud Kiwi
Congrats Blinky & Lapierre!

Didn't see this coming, for sure I thought he'd be back with JL on Trek!

Good point though, Nico may not ride full WCs but Sam can learn from the master! :thumb:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
To be able to have Nico on sight at World Cups is going to be awesome for Sam, especially when it comes to consistency from round to round.
Think he'll convince him to clip in, change his shock setting and do vomit inducing cardio? But seriously, I don't care what Blinky knows about DH setup already, training and preparation. Studying under masterminds of suspension and performance in this sport will be a phenomenal opportunity.

Seriously, can anyone imagine being signed as a prodigy to the master of a sport? Bruce Lee, Ivan Stewart, Ricky Carmichael, John Daily http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/blog/devil_ball_golf/post/John-Daly-is-slimmed-down-and-fired-up-for-Holly?urn=golf,207433