
@@@Same shit different Monderp@@@


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
A new week begins...

Happy to report that both bicycles have now been restored to working order, and both are running better than they have in a while. Now time to ride them and mess that all up again.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
coffee & oatmeal, work, awaiting April snowstorm # ....3? so far? need to move some dollars around before the looming collapse of our financial system. then perhaps get some nice tamales for lunch.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
coffee & oatmeal, work, awaiting April snowstorm # ....3? so far? need to move some dollars around before the looming collapse of our financial system. then perhaps get some nice tamales for lunch.
How much has there been at yours since Thursday? Wondering what our driveway will be like when we get home later.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006

Have confirmed that new (to me) head unit will in no way, shape, or form work with backup camera that I ordered even though they are both Alpine. Current one has a proprietary plug and there are no available adapters in this world apparently. So, camera that took me over 2 hours to install is coming back out again and another is going in. At least the guys at Crutchfield were nice enough to do a forward credit return so that I get the new camera and don't have to rip everything down to put the new one in (mounting brackets, etc). Nice thing is that the new one costs half as much, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
5th grader back at home for 2 weeks. LE UGH. new rear brake ordered. also le ugh.

sunny and 70s is nice. now if only the pollen would settle down a bit things would be peachy.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Somehow we have accumulated four Costco containers of fabric softener. :think:

That's how it's going to be today, huh?
jeez that's a harsh attitude for fabric softener.

had a pretty decent weekend. Rode 20mi on sunday on the roadd dogg. Didn't feel great and it was cold and grey, but any day on the bike beats any day behind a screen.

my kid and I did a pinewood derby earlier on sunday- she got 3rd. Pretty stoked for her to do well, although it was a total dad-bro-fest with jimmy the former boy scout taking 1st place while his 7yo ran around in circles. At least my kid painted hers! It was fun getting the car all set up, polishing axles, sanding wheels. If she's still a scout next year then I get to do it again. I mean she gets to do it again....


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Thought it might be nice to do some car camping and explore the Bruce peninsula. Been years since I have been, and the kids have never seen the grotto etc etc.

Thought I would book into the National Park at Cyprus lake. Checked last night and reservations opened this morning at 8. 7:30 I get on and hit the page, figure get things tee'd up. Ya right, found a wait screen then at 8:00 it flips to a different wait screen and then tells me that I'm number 17 035 in line to make a reservation. Needless to say when it finally cleared up a few minutes ago, there was not a site to be had on any date I checked in June, July or August, weekend or mid week, it did not matter. Basically the park is now totally booked full for the entire summer.

Le sigh. :disgust:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
First day back at work after a week of spring break with my boys. I managed to do something to my back on my ride yesterday (not sure what, but after the ride I could feel my back tightening up). Can't put pants or socks on, can't sit in my chair. So I took a sick day.

Kids "resume" school tomorrow (online). I can still walk just fine, so I think I will take them for a walk through the marsh. They love watching turtles.

It's also looking quite likely that I will be eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine shortly (the province is extending age eligibility to 40+, and I live in a high risk neighbourhood). I'm not quite sure what to make of it though. Not so much because of the blood clotting possibility, but more because it's not as effective as the others.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Thought it might be nice to do some car camping and explore the Bruce peninsula. Been years since I have been, and the kids have never seen the grotto etc etc.

Thought I would book into the National Park at Cyprus lake. Checked last night and reservations opened this morning at 8. 7:30 I get on and hit the page, figure get things tee'd up. Ya right, found a wait screen then at 8:00 it flips to a different wait screen and then tells me that I'm number 17 035 in line to make a reservation. Needless to say when it finally cleared up a few minutes ago, there was not a site to be had on any date I checked in June, July or August, weekend or mid week, it did not matter. Basically the park is now totally booked full for the entire summer.

Le sigh. :disgust:
There was a CBC article a few weeks back that implied there are bot networks booking up Ontario Parks camping slots. Stupid assholes are stupid. And assholes


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I guess I have fucked up in life, cause I can't afford to work as little as they do.
No. They just know that you will pick it up. Do your work and let the managers clean up the mess. If you can't finish your work because someone hasn't done their work, send an email to mgmt to start getting a paper trail showing why your work isn't getting done. Also start logging your actual worked hours. After a month or two of this, either expect those people to start working more hours or you have a time stamp of how much you're actually working.

Most states have a maximum allowed overtime hours for salary employees before true overtime kicks in. I'm not sure how large your company is, but the larger it is, the less they want to deal with these issues and the corresponding potential labor lawsuits. When you address it to mgmt and then to HR after no action, they tend to react promptly to resolve these issues. And if you keep a log (or bcc yourself mgmt notification) of every time you informed them that you couldn't complete your work due to another individual not completing theirs, the company has no leg to stand on if they use the argument of "not completing work" to fire you if you're in a right to work state.

Obviously talk to a labor atty about this, but before you push back on this type of stuff make sure you have a log reflecting proof.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
There was a CBC article a few weeks back that implied there are bot networks booking up Ontario Parks camping slots. Stupid assholes are stupid. And assholes
Then you're supposed to buy reserved spots from whom?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Thought it might be nice to do some car camping and explore the Bruce peninsula. Been years since I have been, and the kids have never seen the grotto etc etc.

Thought I would book into the National Park at Cyprus lake. Checked last night and reservations opened this morning at 8. 7:30 I get on and hit the page, figure get things tee'd up. Ya right, found a wait screen then at 8:00 it flips to a different wait screen and then tells me that I'm number 17 035 in line to make a reservation. Needless to say when it finally cleared up a few minutes ago, there was not a site to be had on any date I checked in June, July or August, weekend or mid week, it did not matter. Basically the park is now totally booked full for the entire summer.

Le sigh. :disgust:
The Bruce Peninsula is one of the few places in Ontario that I have yet to visit. It looks amazing.

I'm kind of hesitant to go, though. A few friends who have gone in recent years says the place is a shitshow with tourists. Like we're talking people being drunk next to clifs, families handing babies down steep trails, over crowding etc etc. And that was before covid. :(

I want to go, but being limited to weekends makes me not want to bother.

Similar at Mono Cliffs. That placed get PACKED and over run on the weekends.
There was a CBC article a few weeks back that implied there are bot networks booking up Ontario Parks camping slots. Stupid assholes are stupid. And assholes
I heard that too. What a freaking shame.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
The Bruce Peninsula is one of the few places in Ontario that I have yet to visit. It looks amazing.

I'm kind of hesitant to go, though. A few friends who have gone in recent years says the place is a shitshow with tourists. Like we're talking people being drunk next to clifs, families handing babies down steep trails, over crowding etc etc. And that was before covid. :(

I want to go, but being limited to weekends makes me not want to bother.

Similar at Mono Cliffs. That placed get PACKED and over run on the weekends.

I heard that too. What a freaking shame.

Was there 15 or so years ago. The park was about half full on the weekend I was there. Went into Tobermory and picked up some fresh fish right off the boat to BBQ back at the campsite. Was pretty touristy at the time, but not overrun. The shoreline stuff was a mix, some places were empty, others were crowded. Some of those trails are not easy to hike and yet some of the stuff you saw get hauled in....

It is amazing though, if you do get the chance - do it.

Was lucky to get an Algonquin reservation for a canoe trip this summer. All of the lakes near the entry were fully booked. My destination is 15 odd clicks and several portages in, and it was available. :banana: Even the interior is busy anymore. A few years ago was 2 full days and 50 or so km into the park and having lunch at a portage end. We counted 6 canoes go by in a half hour.

The bot thing is new to me. Now that I think about it, it is kinda surprising it took this long.

People - Not a big fan.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
No. They just know that you will pick it up. Do your work and let the managers clean up the mess.
I am the management. Small place, over half are family members (not my family) can't fire anyone cause we can't even get people to apply for work, honestly stuck with terrible help is better than no help.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Not working today is nice, since I worked an elective shift from 5-10 PM last night and it was quite busy indeed.

I swapped positions of the Land Cruiser and PHEV Italian minivan in anticipation of snow and ice.



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Hello all. Not working today is nice, since I worked an elective shift from 5-10 PM last night and it was quite busy indeed.

I swapped positions of the Land Cruiser and PHEV Italian minivan in anticipation of snow and ice.

it occurs to me that if you didn't have all that crap in your 2-car garage you could fit 2 cars in it !