
San Diego- would anyone be willing...

jon cross

Jan 27, 2004
Banner Elk, NC
OK, so I am heading to basic training in San Diego in a few weeks and I have a favor to ask of a willing gearhead. I should graduate in mid-August and can arrange to stick around for a few days and enjoy the sights. Could any of you guys recommend a shop that would rent me a bike for a couple days? Maybe a local rider wouldn't mind hooking a brother up? I have never ridden in So Cal but I would kick myself all winter long if I passed up on the chance to ride in California. I'd be looking for a crew for the weekend or for just a few days of hard riding and maybe some bar crawling later on. Any takers? I know this is pretty far in advance, but while I'm in training I will only be able to use mail, no internet or telephone, so I wanted to see if anyone in the community might be interested. Thanks