
Santa Cruz Patent reexaminations

The Shadow

Feb 22, 2010
In The Shadows
Word Around the campfire is that Santa Cruz is trying to enforce a new patent they've been awarded in 2009 on "Floating" shock suspension theory and a spectrum of possible rates. It is the US patent 7581743.

In all fairness when an invention is novel and original in nature and has no previous art, a respect is given to the amount of work, filing and protection of that invention. If the patent has been awarded without a real review of previous art then the patent can be contested and reexamined at a cost.

A key component in reexamination is previous art that can be brought to light that has been printed publicly. Santa Cruz seems to have overlooked this Mountain Bike Action test in 1987 http://www.mombat.org/Hanebrink.htm of Dan Hanebrink's suspension design that can accomplish all of Santa Cruz's patent claims of rates and suspension benefits "including" geometry adjustability.

In reality, if Dan Hanebrink were to rebirth this suspension design today, Santa Cruz could cite him for infringement and sue. Considering the volume of "Floating" suspension systems popping up there is real traction in the reexamination of Santa Cruz's patent. All companies should take note in this reality. Considering this real evidence of previous art and not emotional conjecture, respect to Santa Cruz's patent is elusive.

Do your own research and let us know what you think.


The Shadow!


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