Yep, its funny that ended up that way. I am just pissed that I have to defend myself online because of the things he is saying that is not true. I think he feels that if everyone out there thought bad of me like they do him for always opening his mouth where he doesn't need too things would be better. He doesn't realize that most of us let most of the things he says go and just move on because we have just accepted the way he is. I am fine with that and can get over some of the dumb things he says. But bad mouthing me and saying I talked people into doing something I didn't to make me look bad is just wrong. This has made me so mad that I would love to just put a foot in his face, but I am not that guy to do that. Others will do that as they already tried the other weekend. I personally have liked the guy for a long time as a friend and felt bad for him the other weekend and the things that followed. Now he is making me not feel so bad for him.You woulda thought he would of learned after the whole MonkeyFest debacle where he called out everyone and their brother for shuttling illegal trails, when in fact we were all having a jolly time on the legal ones.
Its hard to talk with your foot in your mouth, but typing is another story. irate2:
So who is shuttling this weekend?
For those that have had to put up with this thread I am sorry. This could of been solved over the phone very easily and it would have never gone this far, but he will never take a call from me or call me back. Please understand that if someone start stating thing about you that were not true because he didn't know all the facts and just wants to look like the good guy here, you would be doing the same as I am now.
Once again sorry guys.