
***Saturday GMT***


Sep 8, 2009
Morning monkeys. Feel like crap this morning but don't know why. Had friends over last night and was sampling beers but I'm not hungover. I hope I'm not coming down with a cold.

Anyways, stay safe out there monkeys.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
The moving company will be here Monday so all our crap will be at the new house we rented on Wednesday. Today I get to drive the cat 150 to the hotel in Great Falls. If I remember right, cats don't travel well.


Dec 17, 2002
New England
On a more positive note ...
Replace the whole drive train last night ...and will be on the trails with Splat in just a few hours.
Still no snow on the ground in Boston.

So far ...
I'm down with global warming!! :thumb:


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Sooo I could hardly sleep last night because I was STOKED to take Lucas skiing today. He hasn't been since he was 3 and I generally think he's ready to shred the gnar with the best of 'em now! BUT. I'm getting ready in my room thinking he's still sleeping when I hear "THUMP Waaahhhhhh!" He doesn't normally cry like a two year old, so I come running, and he's on his back about three steps from his bed with huge eyes. He'd told me last night he feel and bumped his leg and was complaining a little before bed, but he woke up and can't put any weight on it. When he tried to walk from his bed to the bathroom, he straight fell down.

Naturally, I call the 24 hour nurse and with all the info she thinks possible stress fracture. We are currently sitting on the couch with an elevated leg and cartoons (we have a guy coming to fix our broken fridge between 8a and 12p), and will be headed out shortly to see what's up with my little man. I am normally calm and collected in these situations... when my dad ran a chainsaw through his leg, I calmly took him to the ER. Right now, I've never felt more like a mom. I have these waves of not-so-calm worried feelings running through me every so often (what if it's....insert deadly disease here), so I keep trying to picture that it is someone else. HE is calm now after some IB profin, toast, and Thomas the Train, so all if fine... it will be taken care of... all is fine... deep breaths.... :)

Stay tuned for an update after the doc!

...and DAMN I wanted to go skiing today!