
** Saturday GMT **


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Made another day. Sweet.
Up since 3 after having a few beers with visiting friends last night. Oooof, this will be a long day.
I'll get out for a ride later this morning.

Whatcha got?

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005

Great, now I'm thirsty for a cisgentic brewers yeast strain.

This work shows the strong potential of polygenic analysis and targeted genetic modification for creation of cisgenic industrial brewer's yeast strains with specifically improved traits," write the researchers in their published paper.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
More Bromont today. Hopefully it's a little drier on the hill today, so that more trails of gnar variety can be ridden.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Finally got to the doctor today about my gut pain, doesn't seem like a hernia but I have to poo in a cup, get blood tests and get an ultrasound, yay.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
My wife and kids watched a guy code out in the waiting room of the urgent care yesterday. She notified the front desk that dude was having a medical emergency and then she got out of there while they attempted to bring him back. He had been suffering from intense stomach pain that didnt let him sleep. Dude! Urgent care? Try the ER next time.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i may investigate upgrading the drivetrain on the pitboss monday to something modern so that i actually enjoy riding it....

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Slept like crap last night, just got back from Starbucks with a turkey bacon, blueberry oatmeal and a large cup of their finest burned coffee grounds (why people like their coffee is beyond me). Need to go out to the garage to get Matilda (Evil Offering) ready for todays ride at Demo as I'm out of here in 45 min. Wife is in Texas on business so the whole world is my oyster.


free wieners
My wife and kids watched a guy code out in the waiting room of the urgent care yesterday. She notified the front desk that dude was having a medical emergency and then she got out of there while they attempted to bring him back. He had been suffering from intense stomach pain that didnt let him sleep. Dude! Urgent care? Try the ER next time.
sounds like appendicitis or sepsis, some patients can also feel cardiac symptoms in the abdomen depending on the clot locations.

i may investigate upgrading the drivetrain on the pitboss monday to something modern so that i actually enjoy riding it....
you ride your smoker?


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
i may investigate upgrading the drivetrain on the pitboss monday to something modern so that i actually enjoy riding it....
if you're going local hit up south main cycles or ride a bike. both good peeps. if you go to south main be sure to talk to mills about doom, etc.
Hey friendo

fork shipped to jonkranked and now it’s chill out time
did you ... trust ... him with a fork?


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Weird cold/warm riding season here. Did 10 miles of rocky ugh with buddy, now I need to autopilot through the rest of the day. Much jumps were counted during the ride which pleases me.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Espresso then off to do the fan swap in the camper. We didn't discover the problem until this morning but in the process of running the wiring for the new back yard lights up in the attic, the electrician knocked out the power to a circuit that runs half of the CAN lights in the kitchen. Da wife sent them a nasty gram to get their butts over here to fix it


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
My wife and kids watched a guy code out in the waiting room of the urgent care yesterday. She notified the front desk that dude was having a medical emergency and then she got out of there while they attempted to bring him back. He had been suffering from intense stomach pain that didnt let him sleep. Dude! Urgent care? Try the ER next time.
when i ever pull over for a nap while driving...most cops think i am having a medical event/am dead...until i wake up...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Off to the zoo today. It will be MIL1's first trip having to rent a scooter to get around. You could see the disappointment and crush to her morale when it was brought up last night. We've tried repeatedly to get her to start walking more, but she's stayed basically sedentary and it isn't getting better. Maybe this will help?

Haley's getting more and more excited about getting into the kart tomorrow morning. She brought it up at dinner last night to tell her aunt and uncle about her racing, the kart she's driving tomorrow, and how she wants to race outdoors next year. Even MIL1 said that if she wanted her to do something else, that Wifey should have tried earlier to get her hooked. Haley found sticker kits for the kart as well, which she was showing off too. So, it looks like the threshold has been crossed and we'll be getting the kart.

Hannah is hooked on gymnastics, so that seems to be her path currently.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I'm pretty well insulated from all that where my house is. I haven't lived on the rez in a few years anyways. Was out there last night picking apples at dusk. Man the sketch is alive and well out there.

Tonight in Yakistan is the Fresh Hop Ale Festival. Something like 6000 tickets have geen sold. A good night to stay home for sure.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hay man. Ran a marathon today. 3:18:15 (7:28 pace on my watch). I'm tired. Locked up my 2024 Boston Marathon qualifier, so I am psyched about that. 5th in my age group out of maybe 120 old farts. Not bad!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Well, we managed to get a shuttle at the zoo (Cheyenne Mtn for the CO monkeys). MIL1 and aunt, 73/74 correspondingly, and struggling. $6 and they're picking them up at the end of every "region" of the zoo and shuttling them to the next. It's a giant fucking hill, so very helpful.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Well, we managed to get a shuttle at the zoo (Cheyenne Mtn for the CO monkeys). MIL1 and aunt, 73/74 correspondingly, and struggling. $6 and they're picking them up at the end of every "region" of the zoo and shuttling them to the next. It's a giant fucking hill, so very helpful.
It's an amazing zoo.