
saturday july 3rd


Jan 31, 2004
anyone want to go ride on saturday???? if you want to go ride on saturday, meet at bike sport in ballard at 5:30-5:45 ish. we were thinking either st. eds or south seatac but we're not sure yet. if you want to go ride, bring your bike and gear and a ride to wherever we end up going, because most likly we won't have room in out cars for you. I know my truck will be full, but i'm sure we might be able to work something out if you can't find a ride, just let me know if you need a ride. if you want, leave a message here, or pm me, or give me a call 206 619 7289, if i dont' pick up, leave me message and your #.
we're hopefully going to be doing some hucking, so if you ride xc, you can come watch, but you might get bored... just a heads up.


Jan 31, 2004
btw bike sport is on 5601 24th ave NW a block up from market, block down from the library and qfc in ballard. if you need directions let me know. or if you just want to meet there, that's cool too. we can figure out where and when to meet, just give us a heads up if you want to meet up with us.


Jan 31, 2004
rad.... well no one showed. there was only 4 of us there, 3 hardtails and a beginer on a vt2, but what ever, it was prett cool anyways. ran into a guy with a v-10 and took a couple runs on that. loved the bike, but realized that it was way too much bike for anything i would ever need. everything was just too easy. anyways we hit s. seatac. I did everything that i wanted to hit. all the drops, I wasn't able to do the big drop out by the paved walkway only because it was getting to be about 9:30 and way too dark to see... but next time...

for all those who didn't need or want to know that, then why did you keep reading?!