
Saturday - March 21st - Transition Bikes presents - Rock you like a Hurricane II


Apr 25, 2007
The WMBC will be hosting a trail day that will give Scorpion an entirely new 80's hairband identity. Transition Bikes is sponsoring this event so you know good times will ensue. Mark it down on your calendars and give some love back to Galbraith.

  • Date: Saturday March 21st
  • Where: Meet at Parking lot off Samish way near Galbraith Lane
  • Time: We'll meet at 9:45 and the trucks will load up people/bikes and depart around 10. Folks showing up later can ride up and join us at the top. We'll shoot to be done around 2'ish, but this depends on where we are with a couple of projects.
  • What: Scoprion is getting a new entrance from the towers that will connect into the existing trail. Kevin Menard proposed and flagged this zone last year and we've already started to clear and lop the route. If we have enough folks (likely), we will have some folks go lower on the hill to work on a few sections on Lower Scorp.
  • Food/Drinks: Transition will be providing lunch and bevvie's.
  • What to Bring:
  • As always, bring your bikes, get a ride up in a truck and get a lap in after the work is over. It should be fun to get a rip down the new line into Scorp.
  • If you have a favorite tool you'd like to use, feel free to bring it. We'll be building 5 or 6 berms, a stepdown, a left hip and two ladder bridges on the new section. That said, we'll have wheel barrows, saws, loppers and a truck load of tools, so it's not necessary to bring them.
  • Schwag: Transition will be donating cool stuff for the event, so there will be a quick raffle at the end of the day.

If you have any questions, drop me a line here.


P.S. Just to get you in the mood. :p
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004

We'll be over at Mission that weekend working on the goggle tan and trying to stay sober.

We did find lots of cedar in the woods for FM to play with tonight though! :monkeydance:


Apr 25, 2007
Just want to get this back on folks' radar.

A crew of us are heading up tonight and Friday to get some prep work done. Saturday should be a super productive day.



Apr 25, 2007
Hey Everybody,

I wanted to give a big shout out to everyone that came out for the Upper Scorpion build day. I know it's tough to give up a sunny day in the PNW to do trailwork, but the hill is only getting better and we'll all get to enjoy the fruits of our labor this Spring/Summer!

We had 32 people in the lot and about a half dozen more folks showed up during the day to lend their hand. I've got to give Transition Bikes huge props for their support of this project.....those guys helped prep and formulate the plan for Upper Scorp, they provided pizza and bevvies during the day and raffled off some TBC Schwaggy schwag at the end. Ooh yeah, Cam, Kevin, Joe and Sam were out digging for the entire day too! Many, many thanks, fellas....

One thing I've got to comment about was the amazing turnout from the other builders. By my count, we had 15 guys with ton's of building experience and that made a massive difference in the quality and quantity of work that got done. When they finished a project, they immediately moved on to something else or helped another group. Also, there were a bunch of younger dudes who were moving dirt, carrying stringers and, hopefully, picking up valuable knowledge from the builders. To say that the B'ham building/riding community is strong would be a total understatement, IMO, and we were super grateful for everyone's enthusiasm and help!

GOOD NEWS: Upper Scorpion is 100% rideable and flows nicely into the existing scorpion now. Give it a ride this week and check it out. Lower Scorp didn't get any new work on Saturday, but I rode it last night and it's still flowing super nice. There will be some weeknight sessions in the coming weeks on Upper/Lower Scorp, so let me know if you're interested in helping after work/school. I've got several things in mind here.

Get Some!!

Ok, on to some pics...

The entrance before any dirtwork was done:

This is what the entrance looks like now. Berm number 1 built by David W. Check out the supports for the posts.....nice! Stepdown will go in above in a week or so.

After Berm 1, is a tabletop.....can you see it???

No? How 'bout now?? Berm 1 with the new table in the background.

Side of the new table here. Cribbed in "woodlot" or "blackrock" style. Flippinsweet adding dirt.

Berm 2 getting cut in. These fellas built berm 3 with Flippinsweet and a couple of other guys as well.

Craig sampling the berm 2 goodies.

Berm 3? Not yet.

Berm 3 completed and buff.

Cribbed bench section before berm 4.

Flippinsweet and Adam building berm 4.

A rider smapling the berm 4 goodness.

Ryan, Evan and Jason working on the section after Berm 4. Why the mad face Ryan? ;)

Tyler and Trevor clearing a section.

Cam moving some cut blowdown....doing his best "world's strongest man" impression. ;)

Kevin cleaning up a log for a new hipper.

Joe, Kevin and Sam after sampling some of the new goodness.

Cam throwing dirt. Traitor Joe in the background already getting put to work! :p

Colin building the ladder:

Thad notching the stump for stringers....scaring some hikers coming up lower Scorp. :p

Final ladder pics. Every stringer, support and post was debarked. Mattie took the stump down about 3 feet on Friday because it was too tall. It flows nicely into the existing ladder for a bit of a roller coaster effect.