
Saw Breaking Benjamin last night


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
So yesterday I on a whim deicded to ask my dad for some money to go to a concert. So I bought the ticket and went to Breaking Benjamin, The Exies, and Silvertide. Silvertide was alright as a whole but the lead guitarest could wail and I bet he will break off and form a better band. Silvertide seemed to depend on sex appaeal and climbing on speakers to get the crowd going. The Exies set was really good. I had wanted to see them most of all. The band had a lot more stage presence than Silvertide and unlike Silvertide didn't sound like Jet on steriods but mroe of an unbridled rock band. Now to Breaking Benjamin. Other than their relatively short set I was blown away. I do wish though that there would have been more deviance from than what was on their CD. All in all a good show and I wa surprised to have only seen one mullet.