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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
does "discounted shipping" mean "free" because he really has no intention of shipping anything?


Sep 14, 2005
San Diego / London
This thread is awesome. Completely forgot the nonsense I went through to get my frame 4 years ago.

EDIT - especially how the people who were defending him and calling me out (i.e. dexter, etc) have subsequently posted in this thread with similar issues.

Ah, internets.
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Aug 17, 2007
Wow, it has been a while since I got around to coming back here and checking this thread, Anyway, after what is now a lengthy 3 years and 10 months, I am still out $1250, plus 500 dollars in custom machined parts that I had sent this guy. Somehow, I have a feeling that Karma will get his fruity arse. Biatch...


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Where is this guy located out of now? I have to know a lawyer in that state. Someone needs to be sued, then maybe a little Casino Royale torture...



<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Well if everyone who has been ripped off by this guy want to get together, I have some lawyer buddies in that area who would do it for a song.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
California is two years from the date of injury. So as he's now cut off contact with most of you, I'd hurry up and get my ducks in a row.


Aug 17, 2007
I'd be in on it. If I could only get my custom parts back it'd be awesome. The money might be a lost cause. Who else wants in on this thing? Lets sue this moron.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Do Canadians even have courts? And what would you sue her for, Monopoly money?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Originally posted on teh FB by assclowns
Our neighbors at the shop next to us decided to blast KidCudi at a volume level of 111 this morning wile I was on the phone with a client , so I walk over and politely ask them to turn it down so I could finish my phone call.
Later in the day their boss comes over to "speak to me about the incident " .... WTF !
I straight up told him next time YOUR employees are being distracting to MY WORK I'm cutting the breaker , locking my door and going home !
*benifits of having the power box in your side of the warehouse .
Stay classy fellas!


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
If it was Kudi's second album his response was good by me, good lord that was a **** album!

Ask him for a fat tyre fixie because you need a fixie for the next(or a couple of seasons time) snow season. My bike with Nem Pro bits has sat still so long the rims are on the ground, might have to take it out for a roll.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Wow, crazy time for a bump I was out using my Nem Pro fork today, built an xc bike up from scraps and had to choose between a Nem Pro fork or a Kowa, Nem Pro wins hahaha.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Was that the same douche as Beyond Bikes? Bike Bling etc.......
No, no, that guy was "Sam" "Kerry" etc. Airbomb, other businesses. Kalo was a different scammer. "Bret" I think was the proprietor's real name.

Met him in person once after I had my dust-up with him; he was a friend of another rider in our old SoCal group. Didn't know who he was until after the day of riding. I think he knew who I was by the way he slyly introduced himself as the "owner of one of the biggest Internet bike shops there is."

Search MTBR or google for Kalo or Kalomtb and you'll see the many sad sagas he instigated. Guy was a pathological bull****ter and, like all pathological bull****ters, was a pro at playing himself as the hapless victim of circumstance.

Like the post office continually "lost" many, many customers' bikes that took months for him to obtain and assemble, but he then miraculously pulled one of his ass 3 weeks later after the alleged loss. After he said my bike was lost, I told him to cancel my order and refund my money; he told me "oh, darn, the replacement just went out! Enjoy it!" When I got the box, it was dated a day or two after he told me it had shipped. Called frame mfr, who told me they'd only shipped him one frame for me about a month ago, and that he had not gotten any others in that model/size/color. Sent the box back to him and got my credit card reversed.

**** that asshole.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
You sent him an empty box and kept the frame?
Me? No way. I sent the whole ****ing thing back. I don't do business with cheesy scammers. The guy relied on keeping people in torturous wait for their bikes, and so many stories ended with "well, I got the bike after he did [insert outrageous BS here] so I kept it, even though [insert something wrong with the build here]." That stuff doesn't fly with me, so I sent it back b/c I had proof he had lied to me about shipping it when he had not done so. He doesn't deserve my business and he deserves a financial penalty of being stuck with a built custom bike he'll have to sell at a lesser profit or a loss.

Someone who loses 30 or so bikes a year in USPS isn't unlucky; he's a bald-faced liar.
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