
Schenectady Central Park Races scrapped.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I just heard this from a friend in Albany...

"FYI, these are no longer "races". Something happened with insurance and permits, so now they are just "rides" and free as far as I can tell."

Anyone have any more info.? I can't find anything more on BikeReg.com. :(


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

Allright..this weekends race is shaping up to have a good crowd..people emailing for directions, ect..looks promising. the weather I bet will melt most of the snow..so we should be good.

Central Park Spring Series
Semi Technical 4+ mile loop in the heart of Schenectady, DUE TO INSURANCE PERMIT PROBLEMS< THIS SERIES IS NOW JUST A SET OF COOL RIDES< NOT RACES>>>SORRY,BUT THESE COOL RIDES WILL BE OUR SECRET COOL RACES< BUT THE BIG MAN WILL NOT KNOW>> this means, we will still run the cool loop, riders will mark off their own laps, and we will decide how long each ride will be the day of.they will be still of epic lengths..what else..oh yeah free...so if anyone sent a check look in the mail because I have sent it back, sorry..also there might not be much swag..but we could get coffee, or a snack or something. So It will still be cool, there will now be three dates, so..please come out and ride, get a good workout, and we will secretly be racing, but the town of schenectady will not know it. Poopers..
All rides begin promptly at 9am.
Three Ride dates, complete 1, or all three it is up to you. The day of the ride, write your name down, before we start, on the nifty lap checker offer..
Sunday 3/20
Sunday 3/27
Sunday 4/17
For more info email me or stop in area bike shops


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
maybe next week I'll make it

but here's Heathers report:

Central Park Spring Series #1 - 3hours

We woke sunday to a great morning. Sun peaking through
the clouds, birds out..great.

We headed to the park to mark the course, excited to
be able to host this cool event for the capital

About 5 minutes of 9am, start..we had 7 riders..not
bad for a free race, that was covered in snow and ice.

The first lap a neutral one, to check out the course
and make sure everyone would be on track. I was
placing bets on the first person to fall..very slick.
Nathan Smith won this bet, with a nice slip out on a
tight corner..a bit of laughter but no pain so that
was good.

after the first 5 mile loop..the race was on..Wiley,
Nate, and Guillaume(a superfast hottie for below
albany) took the lead early. these three appeared
evenly matched. Dave, from Plaines, took a tree out,
as I tried to pass on the first loop and decided to
call it a day, because it was not fun..waaaa...but he
did do real good for his first race, and will be
back..next sunday.the rest of the field was hot on
everyones tail..Jason, who has improved ten fold from
last series in the fall, was putting down fast laps
times, despite the ice..and snow..and slick
bridges..Jeremy, from Schenectady, ws handling the
tricky terrain, like a pro..

All in all..the three front runners started to split
up after 2 hours..Nathan pulled ahead by a whole lap,
Wiley pulled about a lap ahead of me..and Guillaume,
was racing hard, and in 2nd..

With about ten minuted left and time for one more
loop, it happened that Wile, Nathan, and myself came
through the checkpoint at the same time..we decided to
take an easy loop talking of the coming season, ect..

20 yards from the finish...I say lets sprint..for the
win..knowing that nathan had it..but trying to have
fun..I feel someone on my wheel..going real fast..and
i look as they fly by for the
win..Nathan..wrong..Guillaume..ha , ha, ha,..Nathan
took an easy loop, and Guillaume, took advantage, and
flew through for the win. OPPS!!!Sweet!

The final standings...
Guillaume..10 loops
Nathan..10 loops
Wiley ..9 loops..
Jason..8 loops
Jeremy..5 loops
Pauvelle..4 loops
Dave ..3 loops

See you next sunday as we do it again..2-3 hours, same