i'm a fan of it too. unfortunately e13 discontinued the trs dropper.3 position would be fine for me, but frankly the post is nearly always slammed or in climb setting (all the way up or all the way down). I have meniscus issues that mean seated pedaling is terrible if the post isn't at proper full extension.
I occasionally use an in-between setting for either rolling XC sections where I'm going to pop a few rollers or super technical climbs where a wheelspin, missed dab, or tip over would result in falling off a cliff.
But even for those situations, I prefer the positive and stable in-between height of the E.13 rather than wasting seconds fiddling around getting it "just right" with an infinite position post like the OneUp.
Next time I need to buy a post, a mechanical like the E.13 will be at the top of my list.