Its funny because Robin Baloochi mentioned to me that he thought east coasters were alot more chill and laid back than people in California. I think it just depends on your own personal experiences. The different regions of the country all have their own entirely different lifestyles and its going to be viewed person to person differently I think.
I think we are A LOT more chill at bike races. I have never seen so many people stressing at a race until I went to some races out west. I just wanted to blurt out "Calm the F down! You're stressing over finishing midpack in the sport DH!!" Going to races in the Northeast is more an excuse to ride the mtn for two days with two or three hundred friends than to actually race it seems.
I think we are A LOT more chill at bike races. I have never seen so many people stressing at a race until I went to some races out west. I just wanted to blurt out "Calm the F down! You're stressing over finishing midpack in the sport DH!!" Going to races in the Northeast is more an excuse to ride the mtn for two days with two or three hundred friends than to actually race it seems.
I get the feeling sometimes that some of these folks out here are more into the race scene than actually riding...much more than I ever felt that back east.
My Chem T.A. at UCSB was from Philly.He was full of hysterical annectdotes. One little gem he shared with me was in illustration of attitude difference between the two coasts. He was going to see a flick with a friend out here and they didn't show, he waits around for 15 minutes that 30 minutes. He's fuggin bent, call up his 'friend' "Where the f**k are you"
"Ohh I flaked, something came up"
"You flaked?! No, you f**ked me over!" click.
I appreciate brutal honesty and no BS, maybe I'm on the wrong coast.
The thing is this is a stereotype and can't be pinned on all westcoasters, just like all the folks from the east coast aren't totally aggro. There are regional prevailing attitudes, but that does not paint the whole picture.
I have no bad blood for anyone from any region. If you're an ass, you are an ass and people will call you on it.
what's the confusion? our roads back east SUCK and we have to PAY for them!!!!!!! rassin' frassin' sominahbeeesh! arse holes are everywhere and we must continue to kill them with kindness, just to piss them off further. hehe.
seriously though, it's cramped as a sardine can back here with people living on top of each other. sometimes it seems living back east is sorta like dinner time with a big family of meager means....grab whatcha can, elbow your way in or you don't get any. so some might come across a little more brash and the accents don't help smooth things over. clearly though, stiks experience isn't a case of simply coming across brash, i hope those jackholes find themselves in an iraqi prison under us military "care".
i feel bad stik experienced that nonsense and i don't even really like the guy. at least not his published and electronic persona, haven't met him in person. i find him to be kinda pompous, attitudinal and quick to get aggro towards people over issues that seem pewsy in the scheme of things. but i'm probably the same way. what's that pearl jam line about what i hate in you i have in myself, or something like that?
Is it just me or does this topic go flying over the heads of people from the U.K.
You Americans are a bunch of Crazy Cats!!
Although in response to stickmans agressive people - I think some people no matter where you come from are just oxygen thiefs
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