
Schtickman on Sanjay (a13x and $eth and EC HC as well)


Dingus McGee

Sorry if this is ridiculously outdated (10 day ago of so) and of no interest to
anyone but Metal fans and A13X/LOLLI-watchers, but I came across this on Stikmans semi-defunct site...I wish it was still up fulltime. A good if highly opinionated read. Anyway here is a snippet for what it's worth. Sorry if redundant.............

EDIT TO CLARIFY- This is Stikman talking..

"Sanjay Shanbag won the Semi-Pro DH again. Sanjay is the mega ripper from so cal yo! He has won all the semi pro DHs so far, and has done it on 3 different bikes. I would love to get this kid the full GT hookup, just need to convince the corp's to listen to me for once.

Met a few east coast hardcores this weekend. I don't know what it is with the east coasters. A lot seem pissed off all the time. I know us west coast guys get labeled for being "too cool" and or "cocky" but man, these east coasters need to chill. I remember I had a web run in with Seth and Alex from evil a couple years back, but we ironed it out and it was all fun and games-good to see you guys today by the way...Braaap. But these 4 dudes that came by the GT/HYUNDAI trailer today were works of art. So I have these 6 GT bikes on display, just for people to see some of the cool bikes in the line, they are NOT for testing and I just assume most people know this. I get people all day pulling them off the racks and feeling them, sitting on the seats which is fine-I mean I would ask someone for help, but that's just me. Anyway, this guy pulls a bike down and just takes off on it, doesn't say anything just rides away...Keep in mind these are brand new, mint bikes on a 10' high display rack-wouldnt you just assume to not touch, or ATLEAST ask "hey, can I check this out". So he takes off and I say "whoa, hey dude, could you please get off that bike??" his buddies look at me like I am psychotic and the dude comes back. Then in an boston accent the guy says "what the ****, what if he wants to buy one?" I tell him "You can goto a GT dealer and they would be happy to let you test ride one and help you out...but man, I cant believe you guys just assumed you can ride these bikes around"...The guy gets right in my face looking like he's ready to punch me out and says "what the **** did you say?" and I just had to tell the guy to relax, then quietly said "man, to each his own", so he says "come over here and say that to me mother ****er". Then I just walked away thinking, that I finally knew why the middle east and most of the world dislikes america. Long live the east coast hardcores!"


Nov 1, 2003
Mandan, ND
I was reading about Sanjay and the rest of the LBR in the new issue of Twenty-Six last night. Sorry for the hi-jack just wanted to throw that in.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
My Fiance is from teh Poconos(sp?) in Eastern PA. She came out here for school and after moving back she couldn't beleive how rude people were. She basically grew up in PA in the woods....but even there the rudeness prevails.

I mean WA drivers suck....but atleast we are polite. :D She had a whole new appreciation for behaviors going back to PA. She does say that the farther south you go the more polite people are...and I believe her. Maybe PA residents are the only rude ones? :)

I will say this I have met many people from "over there" that are super nice. :thumb: It is not a good blanket statement but there may be some truth behind it.....

But now that Freak is moving back there I might have to change my opinion....:D....all East coast people are FREAKS! lol



Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Yup, there are some uptight people everywhere, but the east definitely has quite a few. I grew up there and when I moved to Colorado i was amazed, it is just a different world here. Nobody really gets sarcasm, and most are laid back..


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Yeah... but I have also heard from MANY women out here in SoCal that they HATE SoCal guys and are always looking for an East Coast transplant b/c we dont play all the BS games that SoCal guys play.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
-BB- said:
Yeah... but I have also heard from MANY women out here in SoCal that they HATE SoCal guys and are always looking for an East Coast transplant b/c we dont play all the BS games that SoCal guys play.
now i'm thinking about moving :)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
xy9ine said:
i saw the guy @ whistler last weekend - cant miss the pepto-pink 1/2 shell.
he should have his frame by friday. i sent it up there all ready to re'rip'on!


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
I've lived and traveled to enough places to know that everywhere you go there are A-holes... you just met the east coast chapter presidents. :nuts:

Big E

Jan 22, 2004
Hell Paso Texas
yeah there are dicks every where. but people were rude as heel when i lived in Washington state. maybe its cause i was poor and they all had money. but i like El Paso everyone is to laid back and nothing gets done. but everyone is nice.

Dingus McGee

Sanjay is the ambassador of BOSS.

He paid tha cost. OxCxHxC!

I amost want NOR+SO Cal to reunite


(And just to reiterate - I predicted total domination when I first heard he was getting a BCD)

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
I live & was born/raised in suburban NYC and truthfully, have to say that essentially anywhere outside of the Northeast annoys the hell out of me if I am forced to be there for any length of time. Everything moves too slow and is too mellow once you leave the Northeast.

There is a physical, emotional, and mental electricity that exists in NY that I haven't seen anywhere else I've ever been. The same vibe kinda stretches north to Boston and south to DC but hits it zenith in the 5 boros, Northern Jersey, Nassau/Western Suffolk, and parts of Westchester/Rockland. You either get it or you don't.

It's some sort of natural hunger and desire that most people here seem to have. The pace of the Northeast is just different. It's pinned wide open 24/7, 365. Whether it's from being piled on top of each other, or navigating the disorganized mess of roadways and traffic, or being looked to by the rest of the US and the rest of the world as being the center of commerce, fashion, arts, media, etc; something here makes us all act stressed and crazy at all times.

This scares the hell out of people who don't deal with us on a regular basis. They think we are all pushy and arrogant. We're not, you're just slow and easy going ;) We want stuff NOW because that's what we're used to. We don't have time to wait because there are places to be, stuff to do, deals to be made. You learn this from the time you are a baby and the longer you stay here the more ingrained it becomes.

A lot of people confuse this all with being rude or uptight. It's not rudeness when you are from here. It's part of the style & culture for generations. We are generally more sarcastic and blunt. It comes from a lot of our ancestors' working class immigrant roots and inner city upbringings. Listen to some of the old timers and you will see they are just as bitter and rude as the kids.

While I'm not saying everyone else should be like Northeast people, it's just easier to understand once you live it. It certainly would make my life easier though if the rest of the world was as fast paced as NY. I'd certainly get a lot more work done because I wouldn't have to wait as much. :D

-ska todd


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
-BB- said:
Yeah... but I have also heard from MANY women out here in SoCal that they HATE SoCal guys and are always looking for an East Coast transplant b/c we dont play all the BS games that SoCal guys play.
REALLY... did I mention my wife and I moved from RI (little spec between MA and CT) a little while ago.

Oh wait... crap, the wife.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
ska todd said:
There is a physical, emotional, and mental electricity that exists in NY that I haven't seen anywhere else I've ever been...
I've only visited NYC once, but I felt that electricity for SURE. Everywhere we went (I was visiting a friend of mine, writer/editor/Manhattan-dweller) everything just felt ALIVE and seething with creative, over-the-top energy. I'm not so sure I could hack it as a lifestyle, but it's certainly a cool thing to have experienced!


Apr 14, 2003
Strong Island Ny
ska todd said:
A lot of people confuse this all with being rude or uptight. It's not rudeness when you are from here. It's part of the style & culture for generations. We are generally more sarcastic and blunt.

This is the complete truth. Its all about efficiency and its more efficient to be alittle rude then it is to be accomidating all the time.

Even some of my friends up at school (near the candadian boarder in Ny) find me a bit abrasive at times for things i do that would be completely normal back home.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
xy9ine said:
i saw the guy @ whistler last weekend - cant miss the pepto-pink 1/2 shell.
Damn that is him...I keep meaning to wave him down to ask. I don't know how many times I have seen him this week. Dj's, mountain, glc...the guy is getting around :)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
ska todd said:
I live & was born/raised in suburban NYC and truthfully, have to say that essentially anywhere outside of the Northeast annoys the hell out of me if I am forced to be there for any length of time. Everything moves too slow and is too mellow once you leave the Northeast.

-ska todd
dude that is so true. this guy that worked with me at the lbs moved out to cali a year ago and he got employed by supergo and he just ran circles around the guys there.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
mcA896 said:
dude that is so true. this guy that worked with me at the lbs moved out to cali a year ago and he got employed by supergo and he just ran circles around the guys there.
Ha! Awesome! I met him. He works at the Laguna store right? I was in the store once and he started telling me how he used to work for a shop up on the Cape and used to ride with Ebbett.

-ska todd


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
True dat. I grew up in CT and lived in Boston for 4 years, worked in shops in both places, we had to bust ass 'cuz it was so seasonal in the Northeast. Then when I came to Norcal in '96 I started working in a shop and was (honestly) told more than once that I needed to slow down. Apparently I was making the other guys look like slackers, even though I wasn't working as hard as I did in the Northeast. BTW, I've slowed down plenty in the years since...


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I had a funny run in with Sanjay last weekend on Schleyer. I crashed in front of him and as he passed we have time for a pleasant conversation.

"You allright?"


Just wasn't my day, I never crash on Schleyer. Hell, few people can even keep up with me on that trail, not that I'm that fast but I just know that trail like the back of my hand. I guess riding hard all weekend caught up with me, my hand fell right off the bar on a tiny little 3' drop when I landed, pitching me over the bars.

Crashing sux.

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
Slugman said:
I've lived and traveled to enough places to know that everywhere you go there are A-holes... you just met the east coast chapter presidents. :nuts:
Haha, good one! I couldn't agree more.

To be honest, I'd rather be around some A-hole bauwstonians/NJians/NYers than some cocky-truck-driver-hat-on-sideways-with-bad-shades-on guy trying to be a badass. But maybe that's just because I'm an A-hole East Coaster. :p

I'm Rick James, B!tch!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Yep, I have traveled all over, from the Southeast to the Northeast, Canada, Mexico, Colorado, Nor Cal, So cal, etc........
And one thing is for certain, you are going to run into some Azzholes no matter where you go on this planet.
But in my experience, DHers are way more similar than different, no matter where you are from. There honestly are not that many people wired up to do what we do, and there is a bond that goes with that is stronger than any accent.
Just like at Mt Snow, me and this dude from the NE who I met on the course,
were talking and we were all stoked on the course and we're going on and on.
Later my buddy pointed out that it was funny how I was sounding like a big hick, and this dude was a super yankee, but we were both smiling and saying the same thing. :D
The only place I have been where I noticed some real uncool $hit was during DH Practice at Big Bear. Some dude got worked on the course, and they held up traffic to get him help. There was a line of about 80 DHers, and I kept hearing people yell out crap like, "Drag him off the course!" and "Just let me run over him!" etc...
But I just chalked it up to a few good azzholes.
You have to be extremely narrow minded to judge a whole region of people from a run in with a couple of jackasses.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
ska todd said:
Ha! Awesome! I met him. He works at the Laguna store right? I was in the store once and he started telling me how he used to work for a shop up on the Cape and used to ride with Ebbett.

-ska todd
yup, the laguna supergo it is.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Dingus McGee said:
EDIT TO CLARIFY- This is Stikman talking..

"Sanjay Shanbag won the Semi-Pro DH again. Sanjay is the mega ripper from so cal yo! He has won all the semi pro DHs so far, and has done it on 3 different bikes. I would love to get this kid the full GT hookup, just need to convince the corp's to listen to me for once.

lol! but you didn't did you! he is mine all mine mmuuuaaahhhhaaaaa mmuuuaaahhhhaaaaa.



Nov 25, 2001
Boulder, CO
-BB- said:
Yeah... but I have also heard from MANY women out here in SoCal that they HATE SoCal guys and are always looking for an East Coast transplant b/c we dont play all the BS games that SoCal guys play.
Oh man I'm hating PA even more right now. Ok only about another month to go before I'm in sunny So Cal permanently. If all goes well. :nopity:


Feb 26, 2003
East County
-BB- said:
Yeah... but I have also heard from MANY women out here in SoCal that they HATE SoCal guys and are always looking for an East Coast transplant b/c we dont play all the BS games that SoCal guys play.
They should stop trolling high schools for dates. :devil:


Feb 26, 2003
East County
Orven said:
Is NorCal the East Coast of Cali??? Eigil? :p
No way, NorCal is hella chill. They just have a different vibe. As for back East, they're cool too, but they envy us for our tall mountains and trendsetting attitude.

If any of you would like a more personal coaching session, consult me at the National Championships in Mammoth and I will be glad to clear any misconceptions. Thank you for your time.



unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Jeremy R said:
You have to be extremely narrow minded to judge a whole region of people from a run in with a couple of jackasses.
Werd my Southern brother.

Seems like everytime I read something from him I get this same thought running thru my head......arrogant.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
ska todd said:
I live & was born/raised in suburban NYC and truthfully, have to say that essentially anywhere outside of the Northeast annoys the hell out of me if I am forced to be there for any length of time. Everything moves too slow and is too mellow once you leave the Northeast.

There is a physical, emotional, and mental electricity that exists in NY that I haven't seen anywhere else I've ever been. The same vibe kinda stretches north to Boston and south to DC but hits it zenith in the 5 boros, Northern Jersey, Nassau/Western Suffolk, and parts of Westchester/Rockland. You either get it or you don't.

It's some sort of natural hunger and desire that most people here seem to have. The pace of the Northeast is just different. It's pinned wide open 24/7, 365. Whether it's from being piled on top of each other, or navigating the disorganized mess of roadways and traffic, or being looked to by the rest of the US and the rest of the world as being the center of commerce, fashion, arts, media, etc; something here makes us all act stressed and crazy at all times.

This scares the hell out of people who don't deal with us on a regular basis. They think we are all pushy and arrogant. We're not, you're just slow and easy going ;) We want stuff NOW because that's what we're used to. We don't have time to wait because there are places to be, stuff to do, deals to be made. You learn this from the time you are a baby and the longer you stay here the more ingrained it becomes.

A lot of people confuse this all with being rude or uptight. It's not rudeness when you are from here. It's part of the style & culture for generations. We are generally more sarcastic and blunt. It comes from a lot of our ancestors' working class immigrant roots and inner city upbringings. Listen to some of the old timers and you will see they are just as bitter and rude as the kids.

While I'm not saying everyone else should be like Northeast people, it's just easier to understand once you live it. It certainly would make my life easier though if the rest of the world was as fast paced as NY. I'd certainly get a lot more work done because I wouldn't have to wait as much. :D

-ska todd
I dont know if you have ever heard it but henry rollins does a great comedy bit called "spoken word". Part of his routine is to talk about the balls out fast paced nature of NYC and other eastern areas and it is sooooo true. Everything he talks about is histerical so if you get a chance pick it up or go see him live...

I am from Pittsburgh and I see it as well hear...For instance when i am driving i usually fvcking fly everwere. Then i get there and wonder why the hell i needed to go so fast. It is just a state of mind in the north east. i was in FL for a while and yeah it drives me crazy everyone is just too laid back.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I also gotta agree with Ska Todd. The attitude starts in Northern VA, an area not to be confused with the rest of the Commonwealth, and extends up through the realm of the Massholes. Coming from Jaw-juh, it took 20 years of DC Metro "living" to increase my rate of speech, walking and driving to the point where I could keep up. College is SW VA, however, put me back in touch with my redneck roots. Fishing, camping, shooting, MTBiking, golfing, open roads and cornfield keg-parties(with classes squeezed in where possible) diminished my tolerance for the NE rat race. After graduation, I served only 3 years of my Arlington barrio sentance before throwing in the towel, quitting my job and moving to Frederick(aka Fredneck), MD. Once the symptoms of urban sprawl started creeping into Frederick, my wife and I sold our house and moved even further into the boondocks. Now we live in a nice little planned community surrounded by rolling farmland. Our town has one stop light. I discovered that stars really do exist. Nobody busts out the windows of my car every other month. I speak with my neighbors and actually know their names. Best of all, my time-served city upbringing gives me a leg up on all my country competition. Compared to my former life, I now operate at a 486's clock speed but that puts me at the top of the heap in Atari Land. :D