
Science bitch slaps the Low Carb industry, Atkins officials in denial.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Low-Carb Fad Seen as Unhealthy and a Ripoff
Tue Jun 22,10:21 PM ET
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Popular low-carbohydrate diets are leading Americans to poor health and spawning a rip-off industry of "carb-friendly" products, health experts and consumer advocates said on Tuesday.

They announced a new group, called the Partnership for Essential Nutrition, to help educate Americans about the need for healthy carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains.

"When unproven science becomes a sales pitch, some people get rich and the rest of us get ripped off," Jeffrey Prince of the American Institute for Cancer Research told a news conference.

"Eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans, which are all predominantly carbohydrate, is linked to a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and a range of other chronic diseases."

Prince said low-carb diets that advocate piling on the animal protein and fat are "increasing the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes and other chronic diseases."

The new group includes such organizations as the Alliance for Aging Research, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, the AICR and the American Obesity Association.

Its Web site at http://www.essentialnutrition.org/ is especially critical of programs, such as the Atkins diet, that advocate throwing the body into a condition called ketosis. During this phase the body sheds water as it tries to get rid of excess protein and fat-breakdown products.

"Losing weight on these extreme low-carb diets can lead to such serious health problems as kidney stress, liver disorders and gout," the group advises.


Dr. Stuart Trager, Medical Director for Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., said the Atkins diet is healthy.

"In fact, the Atkins Nutritional Approach includes spinach, eggplant, broccoli, asparagus and leafy greens, in addition to other high-fiber vegetables and fruits," Trager said in a statement. "Even during induction, Atkins requires five servings of vegetables and/or fruits a day."

The new group published a survey of 1,017 adults, done by Opinion Research Corporation, that showed 19 percent of dieters are trying to cut carbs.

The survey found that 47 percent them believed that low-carb diets can help them lose weight without cutting calories.

"They are confused. They lack an understanding of the basic science," Barbara Moore, president of Shape Up America, told the news conference.

She said a "trickle-down effect" meant other Americans were now eating fewer fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.

The U.S. government, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute and American Diabetes Association all recommend getting at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables. They also recommend eating plenty of whole grains.

The National Consumers League said it found dieters were spending an average of $85 a month on so-called low-carbohydrate products, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not evaluate or regulate low-carb claims.

"Consumers are paying a premium price for a carb-friendly lifestyle," said Alison Rein of the National Consumers League. She called for the FDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture and other agencies to issue immediate guidelines on such claims.

Studies show that a low-carbohydrate approach can cause people to lose weight more quickly than a low-fat diet for the first six months, but the low-fat approach catches up after a year.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
no one has definitive answers on what is right, even with names such as the "american obesity association". long term studies are called for imo.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Echo said:
The FDA doesn't regulate what can be labeled as "low carb"? I think I just figured out my get-rich-quick scheme :devil:

there are a ton of companys doing this right now.

simply slap a 'low carb' label on ANYTHING and people will buy it.

screw 'em I say. let em die. :nuts:
If you make the serving small enough, anything can be low carb.

My favorite recently is the nasty, greasy fish-n-chips place by my office that has a sloppy hand-painted sign on the sidewalk that says "Atkins Friendly".

Yeah, over-breaded fish and fries soaked in old burnt fryer grease are low-carb. Don't worry about the fat!


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Toshi said:
no one has definitive answers on what is right, even with names such as the "american obesity association". long term studies are called for imo.
Aktin’s died from heart related complications which his organization glossed over with some marketing muscle. Most quick/immediate weight loss from the diet fad is false (i.e. water based from ketosis).

I took rigorous nutritional science courses at Cornell University and scientists still stay cutting fat from the diet is the most significant and healthy option for lowering caloric intake (fat has the most calories per unit weight). The only way to lose weight is via calorie deficit (burn more calories than you eat). Most eating problems are environment related and are not curable long-term though a fad diet, but changing the environment that forester the unhealthy lifestyle. The average weight loss after 5 years on these "diets" is ZERO...

As far as scientific studies go - a single study doesn't mean much, especially if you don't know anything about how it was conducted (who funded it, was it double blind, SRS size, etc, etc...). Even if you have a decent scientifically sound study, you can really say much without a body of studies and reviewing what the general consensus on the topic is. The vast majority of scientific research over the years has shown that low-fat diets are the ticket for healthy living...


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Yeah I'm glad I work in the health food industry and we've been battling this (atkins fad) for a while now....D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
unless you guys have done the studies yourself you're just choosing whose propaganda to believe

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Toshi said:
unless you guys have done the studies yourself you're just choosing whose propaganda to believe
I agree with that, but more than any studies that might have been done, the thing that caught my attention the most in the article was:

The survey found that 47 percent them believed that low-carb diets can help them lose weight without cutting calories.
Fact is, no matter whose studies are right or wrong, this low carb thing has gotten very unhealthy and very out of hand. Everything has a low carb label slapped on it, and people buy it assuming that its healthy. 90% of it simply isn't.

People need to open their eyes and start thinking for themselves. It's like the people on no-sugar diets who buy a box of cookies and eat the box, because it's made with Splenda rather than sugar, so it's somehow not a problem. The fact that the Atkins diet focuses so exclusively on carbs gives people an easy solution to a problem that's not easy to solve.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Psychic_Pimp said:
My favorite recently is the nasty, greasy fish-n-chips place by my office that has a sloppy hand-painted sign on the sidewalk that says "Atkins Friendly".
maybe they just mean, "we don't mind Atkins type people"



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
binary visions said:
Fact is, no matter whose studies are right or wrong, this low carb thing has gotten very unhealthy and very out of hand. Everything has a low carb label slapped on it, and people buy it assuming that its healthy. 90% of it simply isn't.

People need to open their eyes and start thinking for themselves. It's like the people on no-sugar diets who buy a box of cookies and eat the box, because it's made with Splenda rather than sugar, so it's somehow not a problem. The fact that the Atkins diet focuses so exclusively on carbs gives people an easy solution to a problem that's not easy to solve.
i agree that atkins has led to some aberrant behavior in those who don't understand jack squat. however, it IS possible that eating the same amount of calories will lead to different weightloss/gain outcomes based on the proportion of fat, carbs, protein in those calories.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
ummbikes said:
I think his diet plan is lame, but he died of a brain injury suffered in a fall.

Smoking Gun Article
He had a history of heart problems and was obese when he died, to me that sounds like a cover up for a multibillion dollar industry he created.

Whatever the case, his diet would have killed him and is proven unhealthy by a huge body of scientific research...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
syadasti said:
He had a history of heart problems and was obese when he died, to me that sounds like a cover up for a multimillion dollar industry he created.

Whatever the case, his diet would have killed him and is proven unhealthy by a huge body of scientific research...
Ever since I saw you munching away on that 2" thick ham steak I've wanted one... maybe I'll make one tonight...

Were you saying they were good for you or something?


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
stosh said:
Ever since I saw you munching away on that 2" thick ham steak I've wanted one... maybe I'll make one tonight...

Were you saying they were good for you or something?
I don't think you were there - Ant was. It was about 1 inch thick, 450 calories (120 from fat) I also ate some granola bars, a hot dog, one of your swiss burgers, apple sauce and drank some "tea", some watered down gatorade, and green ice tea. Stuffed myself with whatever was at hand :oink:

Its good for you when you've ridden 20 mi. of technical mtb with 1500+ feet of climbing that day (15 on Thrusday, 25 on Friday) and probably had burned away all your carbos, fats, and some of the protein in your body and all your had for lunch on the ride was a energy bar and some flavored maltodextrin gel blends...

The next day I was ready for another 15 at least craig and ant agreed to about half that on the way back at waterloo allamuchy


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Echo said:
HA, like I would tell you Oklahoma fackers! You would just steal my idea and sell it to all my redneck target market! :nope:
Bwahhhhhhhhhh if Walmart can grow from nothing to the #1 company in the world off the backs of rednecks why can't you!!
I've said it before I'll say it again. the body requires protein, carbs and even fat to ensure it receives all essential vitamins and minerals. When you cut any one of these things totally out of your diet, the body is missing something. That is why I said before that these fad diets that consist of one food only for example (the grapefruit diet) is very very unhealthy. When you come off of such rediculous diets the body goes nuts when it is reintroduced to foods. Regardless of how small the meals are after such diets the body thinks it needs to store food in preperation for the next starvation so people end up gaining more weight then they lost in the 1st place. The proper diet is not to diet in the 1st place but to change your eating habbits to something tollerable that you can live with FOREVER!! In short your so called "diet" is no longer a diet but a way of life. Keep all food groups in your diet excluding Nothing. Even I that maintains a high protein diet due to bodybuilding reasons still include a good portion of carbs in my diet. Fat also.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
firestorm said:
Ummm no I saw it at the bottom of the screen under "related topics" Sorry man I didn't notice the date.

The related topics section has resulted in all sorts of old threads getting bumped since it's been added. Most of 'em are funny but I'm afraid you chose a rather lame one to bump up ;) :p


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
binary visions said:

The related topics section has resulted in all sorts of old threads getting bumped since it's been added. Most of 'em are funny but I'm afraid you chose a rather lame one to bump up ;) :p
Hey! Just because it isn't about computers, doesn't make my (old ass) thread lame!



Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i never got the whole low carb thing....

you just chop 200 calories of what you already eat in your average day, walk fast paced 20 minutes, and fat will start to dissapear.
whats so wrong with the concept mentioned above that people will start potentially unhealthy hocus pocus?
Alexis, I don't understand the last part of your statement. and which concept are you talking about about? Mine or the original?

One note though. Making a statement of just cutting 200 calories a day is not the best answer for all people. Some diets even if in a decent calorie range may not include all the nutrients required to be healthy. The key to eating correctly is including all food groups and keeping the calories at a level that you will stay with for life and not short term. Short term diets don't work.
As for the concept of low carbs, the body stores carbs for energy. Carbs turn to sugar. Carbs not used turn to fat, even good carbs. that is a quick explanation without going into a mass of detail which I'd be happy to do if requested.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i never got the whole low carb thing....

you just chop 200 calories of what you already eat in your average day, walk fast paced 20 minutes, and fat will start to dissapear.
whats so wrong with the concept mentioned above that people will start potentially unhealthy hocus pocus?
actually there is some basis. a meal of all protein is more satiating than carbs. glucagon and insulin rise and fall at different rates depending on the composition of your meal...