
Science Fiction for the Brain Damaged?


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I need some suggestions....Doctor's orders.

a bit of background first. Sorry for the book - sometimes ya need to vent a bit....

I have been in IT since 1985.
I found myself with some pretty specific WAN skills, and a whole whack of outdated stills, and no job.
Back to school we go. (yet again)
Was about 7 weeks from graduation, (June 2013) when on the way home I had a gentleman turn left in front of me. I T-boned him at about 95kmph. Result was I walked away from a totaled car. Airbag goes off, no memories of going unconscious, and was aware when people came up beside the car. Got checked out, and was back at at school the following week. Found I could not focus, concentrate, comprehend or remember. Struggled for a month, went from a 94 average to the low 60's - Doc checked me out some more, diagnosed a concussion, ordered me to take a month off school, rest bla bla bla. School was very good, did some juggling and was able to come up with a course outline that would have me graduate the following March 2014, restarting in Sept 2013.

Back to school, definitely not as sharp, but at least I'm now pulling mid 80's.
Forward to the end of October, and on the way home from school, after dark on a country road, in a snow squall, I find the farmers lost black and white Holstein cow. Result - same as before totaled car, and no memory of going out. One thing I can confirm - Cows are HEAVY!!.

Same routine as before, went back and tried to pick up where I left off, same problems as before, except this time worse. Take time off over Christmas break then try again - fail badly - Doc says 3 months off - School is torpedoed.

Another concussion.

MRI's and CAT scans have shown nothing really abnormal - a very small area they want to re-check in a few months, but otherwise - good to go. Did a few rounds with the Acquired Brain Injury clinic in London Ontario - that really helped with understanding what was going on, developing coping skills, finding my new normal etc etc.

The last year and whatever months have been a total hell. Focus, concentration are not bad...comprehension is not very good and memory is toast. I was one of the lucky ones that could read something once or twice, understand and remember the gist of it. Not so much now.

Now I have to look up basic things I have known for years, can not find the words to speak about things I should know intimately, and in general conversation search for words and quite often loose a thought - to the point of forgetting what we were talking about as I search for the missing thought. In addition to the mental stuff I now have the pleasure of suffering from bouts of lethargy - kind of how it feels when you try to run in a dream. But the worst is headaches - mid right side. Based upon my log, about 70% of days I have one of one strength or another. I do suffer from migraines - was diagnosed when I was 12 - now 50, so head pain is nothing new, but the frequency is brutal, and they are often strong enough that I need to retire to a cool dark room. Grand result is that I have not been cleared to go back to any type of work or school.

Doctor says I have plateaued, and now wants me to again try reading and see how it goes. Last time I tried it ended up triggering headaches. Now I seem to be pretty good, as I can do a couple hours on the computer on days me head is not trying to evict my brain.

So, what I am looking for is some mid-level Sci-Fi.
I'm thinking Space-Opera or some such.

My usual is a tend toward hard sci-fi, with lots of tech.
I'm not up to something too cerebral like Bear / Brin / Vinge.
But I don't want fluff, as the really lightweight stuff drives me nuts.
Also not too fond of overly political / alternate history stuff.
Aliens / galactic civilization are cool.
I can even get into a bit of fantasy tinged such as the P.E.R.N stuff by McCaffrey.

Do you have any suggestions on some titles that may be of interest to the brain damaged?


eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
PM GFF about traumatic Brain Injury and recovery. He went through living hell coming back from an IED blowing up his Humvee in Iraq. he can help you on the coping and relearning side of life

Psqueeb too

Mine was a long time ago and I really don't remember everything except that it sucked and took years after regaining consciousness in a hospital to get half way unscrambled. I still have trouble with my spoken words on occasion and I can't remember peoples names minutes after meeting them. Nothing worse than being out on a date and not having the foggiest idea what your dates name is.....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Getting your bell rung repeatedly sucks. After my last concussion, while working in the studio, I would walk past a project that I had just worked on moments before and realize I had totally forgotten about it. Eventually after a few months things got back to normal, well as close as I'm going to get anyway.

I haven't read any Sci-Fi since I was young, but did enjoy the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams. Not sure if that's too fluffy for you or not.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Hitchhikers is not fluff - it may look it on the surface, but there is a lot going on under the waving of towels.
I finished a re-read of the trilogy of five a few years ago so am good for a bit. Same with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings - although that is a bit out of the pervue of my original request.

Playing Name your Date sounds like it could make for a couple of interesting stories. Probably a bit more humorous now than at the time. Don't get me started on names, I was poor with that beforehand, now I may as well carry as supply of "Hello my name is" tags and a marker...here's your sign.

I like to play the game of go to the other room then wonder why I am there...


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Damn, hope you heal up soon. I think bullcrew on the DH forum is also going through a lengthy concussion recovery.

I'm not really well versed in Sci Fi, i guess The Foundation series is an obvious answer for semi-hard sci fi, it's an easy read but i found it pretty boring and not very well written. I really enjoyed Rendezvous with Rama though.

Then there is also Sci Fi from the brain damaged for the brain damaged:


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
The Rama series was good.
Foundation is a blast from the past - I enjoyed it on first read. Going back some time later I thought it started strong, fell apart in the middle and ended up with a pretty bow at the end. Overall enjoyable but I don't think it deserves its rep.

Battlefield Earth - I chewed through that mess once, please not again.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
As far as not remembering people's names, that's something that can be improved upon. Much like acquiring any other skill it takes a little effort. I used to suck at it, but made a conscious effort to remember names, even used some of those goofy memory tricks.

And if you can't remember some hotties name, just pull the concussion card. Anyone who keeps running their mouth after that is a complete ass. Good way to weed out a few...


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Holly Hell, that movie blows ! I'll be the first to admit it, I'm pretty easily entertained as far as movies go. But this turd, oh man, no way could I finish watching it. Uh uh !
You just need more auditing. Once you reach OT III and your brain tuns to mush this will instantly become your favorite movie.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
I'm not much of a space opera fan, but I read the 'Shiva Option' (Steve White & David Weber) during my morning rope coiling sessions, and it sounds like it might fit the bill. I think its the second novel in a series, but it was easy to figure out the characters/plot.

Another one is 'Starship Troopers', which unlike that abortion of a movie (coed shower scene notwithstanding), is a pretty good read IMO.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Damn son. I'm not a doctor, but you've had, at least, some kind of mild brain injury. You pretty much described the last 8 years of my life, verbatim. If you'd like to talk more, certainly feel free to PM me.

As far as reading goes, I was prior to my brain injury, a voracious reader, and was willing to tackle lots of high brow/heady stuff. I find those days are for the most part behind me now. I still can pick up something "challenging", but I really have to commit and work, to read it. Two good examples; I picked up "The God Delusion" and "Why Does the World Exist", essentially two books on the same subject that draw differing conclusions. It took me the better part of the year to finish them both, and only because I really worked at it. I re-read a lot of stuff 2 or 3 times trying to "get it". This never would have been an issue before my accident and I probably would have finished both of them inside of 2 weeks.

Recently I came to the conclusion that maybe I needed to dial back my expectations. A friend at work gave me a big paper grocery bag full of stuff by Raymond E Feist. I plowed through the Riftwar Saga pretty easily and enjoyed it, though this is more "fantasy" than Sci-fi. I also discovered that one of my local used book stores has stacks of Black Library, warhammer 40k :nerd: stuff. I picked up the first 6 books of the "Horus Heresy" for something like 15 bucks. It's super pulpy sci-fi that won't challenge anyone's intellect, and I've really enjoyed them. I'm knocking off one probably every 2 weeks or so. That's my recommendation to you. Find a used book store near you, and get some 3-5 dollar paper backs, anything that's part of a big pulp series. Look for the Dragonlance Chronicles, books I dearly loved as a young aspiring nerd, maybe the Ender series by Orson Scott Card. "Memory Sorrow, and Thorn" by Tad Williams. I second "Starship Troopers", and recommend "The moon is a harsh mistress" to anyone who liked Troopers. "The Forever War" and "Forever Peace" by Joe Halderman are books I also greatly enjoyed post accident.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Neuromancer by William Gibson
Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams

A bunch of stuff by Robert Anson Heinlein

Some other entertaining stuff -- Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony